And the Koch Brothers’ Branch of the TeaPublican Party still believes that Earl Warren was the Anti-Christ..From Wikipedia:While most Americans eventually agreed that the Court’s desegregation and apportionment decisions were fair and right, disagreement about the “due process revolution” continues into the 21st century. Warren took the lead in criminal justice; despite his years as a tough prosecutor, he always insisted that the police must play fair or the accused should go free. Warren was privately outraged at what he considered police abuses that ranged from warrantless searches to forced confessions..
Retired Dude over 9 years ago
Remember all the billboards back in the sixties saying “Impeach Earl Warren”?
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
Ah yes, I remember it well…
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
Wasn’t Warren one of the first to test the “Conspiracy Theory”?
brklnbern over 9 years ago
Not in the old South.
Tarredandfeathered over 9 years ago
And the Koch Brothers’ Branch of the TeaPublican Party still believes that Earl Warren was the Anti-Christ..From Wikipedia:While most Americans eventually agreed that the Court’s desegregation and apportionment decisions were fair and right, disagreement about the “due process revolution” continues into the 21st century. Warren took the lead in criminal justice; despite his years as a tough prosecutor, he always insisted that the police must play fair or the accused should go free. Warren was privately outraged at what he considered police abuses that ranged from warrantless searches to forced confessions..