I once had a manager who thought he was motivating his employees by giving out certificates that actually said “Attaboy”. Rookie move by the first manager I ever had who was younger than I was.
I had a supervisor who thought to inspire with the comment, " You know, when I see you all at your machines I think of you as the captains of your ships, and I’m the Admiral." His nickname, until he left, was “The Admiral.” (He also admonished two deaf employees who were working together and conversing with “Hey, hands are for working, not for talking.”)
oldpine52 over 10 years ago
But it does seem to have motivated them!
Agent54 over 10 years ago
Toughest thing there to throw is the water bottle, the sloshing water makes it hard to aim. But someone got great lift on it.
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
Rita should stop trying to sell the profit(loss) sharing plan.
geopardy over 10 years ago
I’m thinking that Andrew is the only known employee of MMM fit enough to heave that jug of water that way.
fdhefty over 10 years ago
In the next panel, she gets clobbered
johnzakour Premium Member over 10 years ago
Rita is good at dodging.
pschearer Premium Member over 10 years ago
I once had a manager who thought he was motivating his employees by giving out certificates that actually said “Attaboy”. Rookie move by the first manager I ever had who was younger than I was.
Dragoncat over 10 years ago
True… But it does look like an interesting way to relive bottled-up stress.Hmmm… They might make another profit yet!
Thomas Scott Roberts creator over 10 years ago
Rita, as usual, mistakes the bleeding obvious for special instinct.
Kirk Barnes Premium Member over 10 years ago
I just can’t believe Roy threw a donut!
ursen1 over 10 years ago
It’s the cup of coffee that surprises me. Why would anyone waste a perfectly good cup of coffee. Must be decaf.
cabalonrye over 10 years ago
Danger money, Rita! You can claim danger money!
jdunham over 10 years ago
Interesting that the thrown computer is a Dell, but about a decade old. Does that mean Scott’s computer is that old?
Davepostmp over 10 years ago
I had a supervisor who thought to inspire with the comment, " You know, when I see you all at your machines I think of you as the captains of your ships, and I’m the Admiral." His nickname, until he left, was “The Admiral.” (He also admonished two deaf employees who were working together and conversing with “Hey, hands are for working, not for talking.”)