Yes, it’s the firm of Hackenschmidt & Yakamoto…ACCOUNTANTS OF FORTUNE! They go where the number crunching is hottest, armed only with slide rules and their streetwise wits, dodging the enmity of their enemies at the Securities and Exchange Commission.
I worked in the IT department of a now defunct but once well known specialty retailer. I remember how busy the accounting department got around quarterly report time. Depending on how management sets goals it can be creative work.
TStyle78 4 months ago
He must be good.
Emmett Wayne 4 months ago
They’ve been in jail since the last time they crunched Rita’s numbers?
jvbowman58 4 months ago
Does she want the numbers crunched or the books cooked?
EOCostello 4 months ago
Yes, it’s the firm of Hackenschmidt & Yakamoto…ACCOUNTANTS OF FORTUNE! They go where the number crunching is hottest, armed only with slide rules and their streetwise wits, dodging the enmity of their enemies at the Securities and Exchange Commission.
ladykat 4 months ago
Take the money and run!
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member 4 months ago
Wait. Is that bail money already needed? Or is it that they are expected to be arrested once they crunch Rita’s numbers?
goboboyd 4 months ago
Stats… stat!
beammeup1701 (Bozo by Foxo makes everyone happy!) 4 months ago
Scott, are you feeling reversed instead of reserved today?
willie_mctell 4 months ago
I worked in the IT department of a now defunct but once well known specialty retailer. I remember how busy the accounting department got around quarterly report time. Depending on how management sets goals it can be creative work.