I dunno how good a job he’d do working for the NSA… I mean, two hobbits and a gollum snuck right into his domain right under his nose and basically tossed the ring into a crack in his basement, and Sauron didn’t even notice until they were right there…
tmt over 10 years ago
And this one probably does the job for free, just for the evil of it.
ksu71 over 10 years ago
I don’t get it. I’ve read the comments and I still don’t get it. Is it some sort of Tolkien reference?
MrsSnape over 10 years ago
It’s searching for it’s Preciousssssssss
up2trixx over 10 years ago
I dunno how good a job he’d do working for the NSA… I mean, two hobbits and a gollum snuck right into his domain right under his nose and basically tossed the ring into a crack in his basement, and Sauron didn’t even notice until they were right there…
rfeinberg over 10 years ago
Guess this one was aimed at the fanboys… thanks for clearing up what the heck this was… I thought it was a flaming vajayjay!!!
Lakebottom3.14 almost 9 years ago
Ha ha