Not wanting to squelch your freedom of speech, but it was personally difficult for me to get into the obvious humor of this particular cartoon, because I just finished reading The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. by Dr. William Pepper, Esq. It is a most disturbing book, but one that every American should read. At the risk of being a spoiler, I will say that he names the person who killed King and it was not the person who shot him and neither of those people were James Earl Ray.
Walrus Gumbo Premium Member over 7 years ago
Martin was trippin’!
Qiset over 7 years ago
I wonder if there will be an outcry against this comic because it dared to imply that Dr. King was human and would have had the occasional odd dream?
jgmccue Premium Member over 7 years ago
Not wanting to squelch your freedom of speech, but it was personally difficult for me to get into the obvious humor of this particular cartoon, because I just finished reading The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. by Dr. William Pepper, Esq. It is a most disturbing book, but one that every American should read. At the risk of being a spoiler, I will say that he names the person who killed King and it was not the person who shot him and neither of those people were James Earl Ray.
jgmccue Premium Member over 7 years ago
I meant to add that I love WuMo and wouldn’t want you to stop doing what you do for anything.