Scott Stantis for May 01, 2024

  1. 5cf96a5f 504e 4c6b 86a5 c29d9610342b
    Al Fresco  about 1 month ago

    Universities surrender to the mob. And Joe surrenders Israel to Hamas. What cowards.

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  2. Question 63916 960 720
    knutdl  about 1 month ago

    Brown students took down their tents on campus after the university in Rhode Island agreed to discuss their demands for divestment from support for the Israeli military.

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    aristoclesplato9  about 1 month ago

    Why do the cowards hide their faces?

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    Old recluse  about 1 month ago

    I can’t quite figure out who the guy at the mike is.

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    davidthoms1  about 1 month ago

    Stantis turns a blind eye on the slaughter of almost 18,000 children!

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    rmike7842  about 1 month ago

    I think this gets the award for the most over the top performance. As the depictions mover further and further away from reality, it becomes increasingly clear how poor the argument is.

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    Old recluse  about 1 month ago

    What was the argument supposed to be? Is seems to me it is about the utter folly of trying to appeal to reason with a bunch of misguided children. A slam on both the speaker and protesters? Whatever it is there is plenty of stupidity to go around. This would quickly have been a matter for the police at the behest of the university sixty plus years ago when I was in college.

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  8. Wtp
    superposition  about 1 month ago

    “… Brown University’s corporate board will vote on a proposal to divest from Israeli interests, the university announced Tuesday, a major victory for student protesters who have taken over dozens of college campuses nationwide.

    Protesters at Brown will tear down their encampment at the center of campus and cease demonstrations through the end of the school year as part of an agreement reached Tuesday, University President Christina Paxson said.

    “The devastation and loss of life in the Middle East has prompted many to call for meaningful change, while also raising real issues about how best to accomplish this,” Paxson wrote in a statement. “Brown has always prided itself on resolving differences through dialog, debate and listening to each other.”

    “I cannot condone the encampment, which was in violation of University policies,” she continued. “Also, I have been concerned about the escalation in inflammatory rhetoric that we have seen recently, and the increase in tensions at campuses across the country. I appreciate the sincere efforts on the part of our students to take steps to prevent further escalation.”

    Brown, a member of the Ivy League, is the most prestigious school to reach an agreement with pro-Palestine protesters since encampments protesting the Israel-Hamas war cropped up on campuses nationwide last week.

    The Brown protesters specifically demanded that the university divest from Israeli interests and have lobbied the Biden administration to cease military aid to Israel and push for a cease-fire in the war, citing mass civilian casualties in Gaza. …" — thehill .com /homenews/education/4633580-brown-university-israel-divestment-vote-student-palestine-protesters/

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  9. Odin
    Holden Awn  about 1 month ago

    I’m reading the comments so far just to see how many don’t / can’t recognize a caricature of Neville Chamberlain when they see it — nor any recognition of what the ‘toon is thereby depicting. It demonstrates and warns against: "..those who can’t remember the past…". Shame on you.

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  10. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  about 1 month ago

    Brown University managed to negotiate a peaceful end to the protests … largely by actually listening to them.

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  11. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 month ago

    Speaker Mike Johnson and other House Republicans are stepping up their criticism of the college protests happening nationwide in connection to the Israel-Hamas war.

    Johnson, speaking on Tuesday alongside other GOP leaders at their weekly press conference, denounced the latest developments at Columbia University and called on President Joe Biden to speak more forcefully on the issue.

    “Columbia is out of control,” he claimed, citing overnight developments of students occupying a campus building and defying the university’s order to disperse.

    “They’re unable to operate the university at a time when the students are prepared for their final exams,” Johnson said. “It’s unfair, it’s unright, it’s unsafe and it must stop.”

    Biden has tried to balance support for Israel with sympathy for Palestinians killed and suffering in Gaza, but has faced criticism from some in his own party and many Republicans on his approach to the fraught Israel-Hamas war. Last week, Biden said he condemned “antisemitic protests” but also condemned “those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians.”

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    Pogostiks Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Anyone notice that the cartoon misspells “agreement”… he used two "g"s

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  13. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 month ago

    The White Paper fof 1939[note 1] was a policy paper issued by the British government, led by Neville Chamberlain, in response to the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine.2 After its formal approval in the House of Commons on 23 May 1939,3[note 2] it acted as the governing policy for Mandatory Palestine from 1939 to the 1948 British departure. After the war, the Mandate was referred to the United Nations.4

    The policy, first drafted in March 1939, was prepared by the British government unilaterally as a result of the failure of the Arab–Zionist London Conference.5 The paper called for the establishment of a Jewish national home in an independent Palestinian state within 10 years, rejecting the Peel Commission’s idea of partitioning Palestine. It also limited Jewish immigration to 75,000 for five years and ruled that further immigration would then be determined by the Arab majority (section II). Jews were restricted from buying Arab land in all but 5% of the Mandate (section III).

    The proposal did not meet the political demands proposed by Arab representatives during the London Conference and was officially rejected by the representatives of Palestine Arab parties, who were acting under the influence of Haj Amin Effendi al-Husseini, but the more moderate Arab opinion that was represented by the National Defence Party was prepared to accept the White Paper.6

    Zionist groups in Palestine immediately rejected the White Paper and led a campaign of attacks on government property that lasted for several months. On 18 May, a Jewish general strike was called.7

    Regulations on land transfers and clauses restricting immigration were implemented, but at the end of the five years in 1944, only 51,000 of the 75,000 immigration certificates provided for had been used. In light of this, the British offered to allow immigration to continue beyond the cutoff date of 1944, at a rate of 1,500 per month, until the remaining quota was filled.

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  14. Pak1ro5jn6k81
    steveandeileen  about 1 month ago

    There was peace for about 6 months. Then all hell broke loose and the world burned.

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