Gary Varvel for October 19, 2012

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    ARodney  over 11 years ago

    At least Obama has a jobs plan. Romney says he has a plan, but there isn’t actually one other than Hope and cut taxes. He doesn’t even have a plan to pay for his 20% across-the-board tax cut. Is it raising taxes on the workers, or adding to the debt? It’s got to be one or the other. Romney? Anyone?

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    tangent001  over 11 years ago

    Romney has said his tax cuts will be ‘revenue neutral’. So what’s the point? It will be revenue neutral because he wants to gut social programs like a slaughtered pig. Another give-away to the super-rich at the expense of the lower classes.

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    joe vignone  over 11 years ago

    Robme got $15 to $115 MILLION from the auto bailout. His biggest donor made over $2 BILLION from the bailout. They closed 25 of the 26 Delco (Delphi) plants and shipped them to China. 25,000 UAW workers lost their jobs. Is that why he doesn’t want us to see his 2009 tax returns?

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  4. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 11 years ago

    @ionizerI do understand the difference between tax rates and tax revenues. I still don’t see where Romney’s going to pay for his tax cuts, simply because he won’t say. Ryan maintains it’s revenue-neutral. When asked how by Chris Wallace on Fox, he stated it was revenue-neutral. I’m sure we can trust him…..

    Speaking of liars….how about Ryan’s under-3-hour time in a marathon? I know it shouldn’t matter. So why would he lie about it? Maybe because a liar is so used to lying that he lies when there is no penalty for telling the truth.

    And let’s assume that Romney’s plan is revenue-neutral. This still leaves us with $16 trillion in debt. With interest, this will grow. So, even if it’s revenue-neutral, it has no value.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    “Revenue neutral” is code for the debt will continue to grow, and U.S. jobs will continue to go overseas as the “Bain bunch” continue to profit, untaxed.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 11 years ago

    With a President who truly “Leads” the congress can be persuaded by the Voters decision on Nov.6th to work with Romney and Ryan to construct a tax reform that reduces tax rates and carefully removes enough deductions and exemptions and credits from the higher income brackets to make sure the next year’s tax revenue is “Neutral”….staying at the same amount of “tax due” as when the old rules applied.-it is a matter of using their God-given brains to simplify IRS rules and adjust rates downward to give incentives to people with wealth to stop sitting on parked assets and to invest in expanding businesses and creating new JOBS. It worked for Reagan & the democratic congress in the 1980s, and it worked for JFK in the 1960s. It can and must work for Romney in 2013, hopefully with some new red blooded GOP in congress to help do it correctly, and restrain the democrats from trying to fill the House and Senate with bills to UN-do the reform, and complicate the IRS code all over again.

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  7. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    This cartoon does put the focus of this debate on one of the many very issues deserving it. I know the dems were not graceful in their 2008 victory and that arrogance deterred cooperation from the Republican from the start. However, the words of McConnell, the Norquist pledge, filibusters by Republican senators, and more have convinced me there was never a good faith plan by the norquist conservatives to work with this President even when he was promoting ideas first offered by Republicans. Republicans who did try to support the administration have been removed in the 2010 election and others withdrew from the 2012 election because the RNC wouldn’t support moderate Republicans. Those who blame Obama for this fiasco is allowing alot of ppl who are guilty by “disassociation” who added to the how slow this recovery has been.Respectfully,C.

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    dannysixpack  over 11 years ago

    romney has promised to eliminate loopholes for the wealthy. tell me this, doesn’t that meet the republican definition of ‘class warfare’?

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    dannysixpack  over 11 years ago

    @theo poser,

    reducing the tax rates has NOT worked every time it was tried. You are discussing the ‘laffer curve’ named after arthur laffer. I have met with mister laffer and discussed this a few times.

    the point is there is an appropriate time and place to cut taxes and an appropriate time to raise taxes. the trick is to know when and where. it can not be used in a knee-jerk fashion.

    i’ll try to explain it to you. as taxes reach 100% there is no incentive to work, so revenues would fall. Likewise as taxes approach zero it wouldn’t matter how much the economy would boom, revenues would also fall.

    so the sweet spot is somewhere in between. the kicker with our tax system is that the uber-wealthies taxes are quite low, about 14% if you look at what romney paid, while at the same time, the middle class is running closer to 50 percent.

    so for the uber wealthy the actual taxes paid are artificially low and tax revenue is falling. for the middle class and the poor the tax rate is too high so revenue is falling.

    it’s obvious what needs to be done, unless you want to make the dumb argument that we don’t need servicible infrastructure or education (a place where rightfully government does create both jobs and value).

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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 11 years ago

    such bigots post on cartoons….unjustified hatred of Republicans, hatred of conservatives, hatred of Christians, hatred of people who have used America’s opportunity society freedoms to succeed in business and earn profits…even when a person like Romney (and many others) pay the required IRS taxes on the type income they have…Romney’s is mostly investment gains and the 14% is an EFFECTIVE rate, not the IRS rate…his adjusted taxable income was reduced by a huge amount (of which he did not claim all he was entitled to) for CHARITY.How much Charity do you haters give? Charity is net income given freely to selected religious groups and social charities that use donations to help the needy people. Liberals and many Democrats leave it up to Government to help the needy.Al Gore, the Clintons, Joe Biden and Obama do not give very much of their personal income, shown on the IRS tax returns they have released to the public!!! Obama’s favorite “policy” seems to be “divide and conquer” in a jinned-up CLASS WARFARE waged on the GOP.What Hypocrites. The Bible says God is not pleased with such people who live one way and pose as “Saviours of the Needy”….

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    wcssharpe  over 11 years ago

    Do some math!! How much does every unemployed person cost our country? (Welfare, Housing, Medical, etc). How much does each employed contribute to our country? (Taxes, Fees, etc) Every new job in the private sector cuts the deficit! Romney wants to help the private sector grow and provide jobs. If it works = Progress!!

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  12. Marx lennon
    charliekane  over 11 years ago

    The economy steadily moves forward. Recall where we were:Four years ago, as Obama took office, the economy was crashing and the world was in economic panic. We had: •Lost $10 trillion in stock value: half of our stock-market savings. Stocks were falling 9% per month. •Lost $7 trillion in home values: almost 1/3 the value of our homes. •Lost 630,000 auto-industry jobs. At the rate jobs were vanishing in Bush’s last month, all jobs would have been lost in less than two years. •Run up over 1.1 trillion in debt in the past 6 months, the fastest rate ever. •Lost 4,662,000 jobs, and were losing jobs at the rate of 10 million per year.

    Remember this: the economy was not just horrible, it was getting worse on all fronts, and the speed of collapse was increasing. So things were bound to get worse while Obama slowed, then stopped, the destruction of jobs and values.the Republicans could not stop him and complained he did too much. Then they took control of Congress, stopped him and said he did too little. •In 4 weeks (by Feb. 17), he passed and signed the biggest jobs bill ever. •Three weeks later (March 10) stocks rebounded, and have more than doubled in value from their low point. •Job losses slowed in February, and came to a stop in record time. •Obama saved the auto industry in June, with an unprecidented 10-day managed and supported bankruptcy. •The next month, auto-industry employment started up, and kept going up with the US auto industry gaining market share for the first time in 23 years.

    A site called zfacts compiles this information. Check out their Reality App. Time to wake the flock up, before the R’s BS buries us.

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  13. Marx lennon
    charliekane  over 11 years ago

    Your ideology will not allow you to accept that Obama (or Hillary, for that matter if she had been the nominee) had to do what was done to stave off oblivion. We are better off for these efforts.A large debt? Of course there is. Millions of jobs lost in the GR. Loss of work means loss of tax revenue. The deficit baloons. But we bear these shortfalls as the price of our society.

    Our economy had been flying on a credit high. Consumers are not spending with borrowed money like they did in decades past. That, together with Republican obstruction, and it is little wonder the rise from the abyss seems lethargic.The economy is improving. The President has conducted the ship to better seas.

    For all that has been accomplished, you want to hand the tiller over to Gordon Gekko, because he is a businessman, a job creator? That’s not quite the experience captain LBO brings to the game.If Romney is elected and succeeds, he will have ridden to conclusion the recovery now underway. Or then again he may run America like Bain runs Sensata. . .

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