Scott Stantis for November 02, 2012

  1. Missing large
    parkers burg  over 11 years ago

    bizarre how rampant the slurs fly about this! intelligence was announced when intelligence came in. how hard is that to understand? it’s not an “albatross” like the republicans would like for everyone to believe. it’s a sham. it’s the only thing the gops think might get them some leverage. it won’t happen. it’s an age-old fear-mongering, sabre rattling, trigger happy republican problem.

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  2. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 11 years ago

    Okay, let’s go over this again: 4 Americans killed by a mob that is heavily armed, as are most all residents in the area, in a place known to be hostile to Americans. Obama is guilty of murder. Hang him high.

    9/11/2001: 19 Saudis kill 3000 Americans on American soil. Bush’s FBI has numerous reports from pilot-training schools saying that there are foreigners who want to learn how to fly planes, but don’t care to find out how to land them. “bin Laden Determined to Attack the United States”. And more and more warnings. The facts of what happened are clear. How it could have been prevented is unclear. No one wanted to hang Bush for it; in fact approval ratings went over 70% (go figure) and if we felt differently, we were terrorists. When time had passed and we had time to evaluate, almost everything found was redacted. And Bush/Cheney wouldn’t testify if they had to swear to tell the truth, since it was obvious to everyone that they didn’t want to. Oh, and the only plane allowed to fly was a Saudi plane to take friends and relatives of the terrorists back to the Middle East without questioning even one of them.

    No repercussions; no talk about impeachment or dereliction of duty.

    What’s wrong with this picture?

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    Try this link for what appears to be a much more accurate report by McClatchy news service:

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  4. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 11 years ago

    @ruffI did not mention that. I thought it was understood, but perhaps I was wrong. I apologize.

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  5. Missing large
    ARodney  over 11 years ago

    I still fail to see the controversy. How is Obama to blame for something that happened overseas, that there was very little if any specific warning about? The CIA was there within hours, and troops were flying from Europe and the US, but could not arrive in time. It took weeks to find out what happened, probably because the CIA was not supposed to be in Libya.

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  6. Missing large
    Cat43ullus  over 11 years ago

    Looks more like a chicken. An albatross is really large.

    So should O have invaded someplace like Grenada for a distraction?—worked for Saint Ron after all those dead marines in Lebanon. That would have constituted a coverup.

    Condi Rice is not impressed by wild Fox Nooz Twaddle by the way.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    mikefive: My son was with the teams for five years, in Iraq and “other places”, I also was around these kind of operations many years ago. Based on what we know, and have discussed privately, this article is the first that “rang true” based on the situation and what we DID see of those first videos that came out, and the fact that the Ambassador WAS taken to the hospital, BY LIBYANS, possibly still alive, and passed due to smoke inhalation- that fit what we saw in the clips. Also, “lightly armed” is STANDARD for “civilian” U.S. and State missions abroad where counties get very “nervous” if a bunch of “uniforms” show up. That doesn’t mean “nobodies in the neighborhood”.

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  8. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    During an evening discussion on music, the lyrics of a Jethro Tull song became an argument. I told my friend I had the album and could show him I was right. He said, “Don’t show me the facts, I know what I know.”Too many people, hoping the Benghazi tragedy can hurt Obama politically, don’t care to wait for the facts. They want Obama found guilty until proven innocent and they don’t care about protecting CIA resources and assets as long as they get the evidence they want and presented the way they want. Having read about Ambassador Stevens and his time in the diplomatic service, I believe he would not want his death to be used to politicize the event and divide the nation he so loved. The truth will come out, and then some folks will be wrong, and some will be right. If I’m wrong, I’ll apologize. I believe others will simply get disgusted and move on to the next “offense” of which they are certain a leader is guilty. “It is best to be silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.” – Abraham Lincoln. from the lip does no one honor.Respectfully,C.

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    C Downs: my son now lives a couple miles from Steven’s home town. The local papers, and people there, are praising his service, as a man, and representative of our government. They are “disgusted” by the attacks being made by the right-wing that dishonor his name, and service. So am I.

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    C Downs: a little addendum. Just had a conversation with the guy across the street, dyed in the wool “redneck” . HIs first question was “Were you born in the U.S.?” (I have an Obama sign up) “I say well, yes, I’m born in the U.S., and have served my country in different capacities for over 40 years.”.

    HE asks: “What do you think of what’s going on in Benghazi?”

    Well, also having watched a few minutes of the B.S. on Fox this afternoon, told him my son and I have served in such situations, and it was time for Fox et al to shut up.

    Now Mr. “redneck” blows up because he’s never been military, never been out of the country, never finished high school, but knows, from Fox, “all about everything”, and my son and I who’ve been IN these situations, “don’t know what we’re talking about”, cause Rush, Fox, and Romney, have all the answers.

    THAT is what is wrong with so much in this country. “See no facts. Hear no facts. Speak no facts”, IS the right wing mantra. And it is dangerous, indeed.

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  11. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    ^Actually, though the military DOES lean “conservative”, the troops did NOT like “W”, and think even less of Mitt. The “chickenhawk” thing, and the potential for more of their “involvement” in bad situations, for what they know to be “bad intel”, has changed their view.

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