Steve Breen for January 19, 2013

  1. Images
    Mickey 13  over 11 years ago

    Yadda, yadda, yadda…

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  2. Missing large
    Mneedle  over 11 years ago

    This President was elected, for a second time, because so many people stayed home and did not bother to go to the polls. If the Republicans could get out the vote, we would not be where we are.

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  3. Computerhead
    Spyderred  over 11 years ago

    Re ATF someone needs to. That agency causes all sorts of mayhem, deaths and injuries all on its own.

    Note that all this is demonizing the NRA, but through all this there’s no suggestion of any increased funding to treat and care for the mentally ill. That’s taking the easy (and cheaper) road.

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  4. St655
    Stormrider2112  over 11 years ago

    Tiarht Amendment: ATF director is now a Senate confirmation position, state/local police don’t have access to to trace data, stuff like that.-There are 2500 ATF agents, the same as there were in 1976.

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  5. November 5  2003 007
    GeorgeKeith  over 11 years ago

    I too agree with you Mr Ima.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    I have rifles, shotguns, and pistols, not a single one of my weapons is “threatened” by anything being proposed by President Obama, or likely in any way to clear as a law from Congress, right OR left. Now keeping military weapons off the streets, I’m all for, and limiting magazine capacity.

    The thing about the NRA leadership, and too many of their members is, the DO NOT DEFEND RIFLES! They’re fascinated, fixated, and in love with radical weapons that there is positively no rational civilian use for.

    Sturm Ruger used to have a rational view of things, but even their “management” has gone off the edge in recent years.

    The reality is that the most radical “gun defenders” insisting they need military style and function weapons, couldn’t pass an enhanced background check system, ‘cause they’re NUTS! The NRA says they’re for enhancing the system, but watch them fight it if it actually gets to the legislation stage.

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  7. Redfoxava
    reynard61  over 11 years ago

    Nope. That may have been true at some point in the past, but these days the NRA is a gun-worshipping cult with a lobbying arm. In fact, I’d be very interested in seeing what the NRA spends on lobbying compared to what it spends on gun-safety education — minus the fees that it charges for it’s gun-safety classes, of course.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: The best thing that the NRA membership can do for the NRA is to demand that the NRA leadership jettison it’s lobbying arm (and Wayne LaPierre and all of the other cultists with it) and get back to being a strictly educational organization.

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  8. Redfoxava
    reynard61  over 11 years ago

    Then why do we even need a “National Rifle Association”? We don’t, to my knowledge, have a “National Knife Association” that lobbies Congress for the right to keep and bear semi-automatic knives? Is there a “National Bat Association” that lobbies Congress for the right to have 30-ball clips for their bats? Is there a “National Spear Association” that lobbies Congress against a universal spear-owners records check? Heck, I’m even willing to stipulate that there are national organizations for stamps, coins and dolls; but do they have hissy fits whenever the rules and/or regulations tighten and threaten congresscritters and Senators with primary opponents in the next election?

    Sorry, but I simply can’t see how the NRA is just a bunch of “collectors”.

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