Mike Luckovich for June 05, 2013

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    hippogriff  almost 11 years ago

    Shiria says whatever the local iman says it says; there is no universal, codified, version. However, most versions declare rape a crime, even if only theft of property, but generally far worse.

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  2. Inbox 4660
    goweeder  almost 11 years ago

    Bureaucrats do a lot of talking, but they don’t actually get anything done. They will still be talking 100 years from now, but nothing will be changed..

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  3. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  almost 11 years ago

    I have a lot of respect for Gen. Odierno, but I cannot accept his contention that we can trust the military to make the necessary changes without outside help. It’s not like they haven’t been given a chance.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    Onguard: there was ONE female officer on the panel being questioned.

    Given the work of Mikey Weinstein at Military Religious Freedom Foundation (he’s Jewish, not “atheist” btw), the religious right infiltrating the military over the years, and the “hyper-evangelicals”, I’d agree with Ominus, that those “good Christians” HAVE had a lot to do with destroying the military cohesiveness and “values”. Also, that “volunteer” military has changed the rules so that a lot of folks who wouldn’t have been eligible for the DRAFT, can now join up. The ranks have been stacked with deadbeats, especially in the officer corps.

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    frodo1008  almost 11 years ago

    I personally am having trouble understanding this whole problem, as I have seen some late statistics that seem to be saying that the problem in our military is even worse than in the general civilian population. If so, then just how is the military even going to recruit young modern women at all???

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    frodo1008  almost 11 years ago

    There is a far larger question here. Should the US military be deliberately placing young women into direct combat situations?

    At this time, it is one of those times that I must take what is generally considered a more conservative viewpoint on a particular issue (and certainly not a politically correct position at that). I am personally and absolutely against the US military deliberately placing women into combat situations!

    This is not to say that in the past women have not been accidentally placed n such situations, and done well when that has happened. Especially in those American wars that have been held on actual American soil, such as the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, and the Civil War. In all of those wars there were definitely women that had to defend both themselves, and their homesteads and families, and proved very efficient at doing so, and I honor them for doing so. And even in our many foreign wars there have been women that normally are not in combat units that have gotten involved in combat, and done well, that sort of thing naturally happens in any war situation.

    Neither is it that there are no women that could not do this kind of activity just as well as men. It does not take that much effort to pull a trigger on a machine gun!

    No, the problem is NOT can women do or not do this sort of direct combat, but should they be doing it at all (as a deliberate activity)? While I do honor our military people for actually doing this activity, let us (and even military people themselves) be brutally honest here. Direct physical combat in warfare, is the most brutal, degenerate, and degrading of all of humanities activities in a long and sorry history of mankind’s many such activities. It is bad enough that we sometimes have to ask young men to have to do this. And then they come back to us (if they are not outright killed that is) maimed (sometimes for the rest of their natural lives) in both body and mind!!

    So, why in all that is sacred, would we want our young women, that we must depend upon to both birth and raise the children that our very future depends upon, be Involved in such a vile activity?

    If, in this case, my opinion is considered a conservative (or even an ultra conservative) one here, then so be it!!

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    woodwork  almost 11 years ago

    I went troug 5 years of ROTC and opted for enlisted status because I saw tat most officers didn’t know squat about leading troops…the SEAL officers I worked with were the most outstanding leaders I’d ever seen because tey knew enough to listen to their troops when they said something

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  8. Ek 11
    jazzmoose  almost 11 years ago

    ADVICE you idiot, not advise! Sorry; that one just drives me up the wall…

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    hippogriff  almost 11 years ago

    Molon Labe: You are one of the great military minds of the 19th century, and your study of comparative religion and Islamic theology in particular, is amazing. Could you post a cop\y of this one and only sharia law on which you claim such expertise? I am sure my Muslim friends would get a big laugh over it, along with me, a mere ordained Methodist minister. Any of the dozen and a half women POWs from WW-II can give you a few choice words about their suitability, if any are still alive. For that matter, I even worked alongside Barry Goldwater in getting WASPs recognized as veterans – one of the few times we agreed, but I was honored to help in that battle against people like you..

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  10. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  almost 11 years ago

    “That board should be made up of:algorebill clintonted kennedythat would be one impartial jury.”

    Don’t stop there:

    David Vitter. Mark SanfordJimmy SwaggartJohn EnsignLarry “Wide Stance” Craig

    I could go on all night. You’ve been a great audience. I’ll be here all week. Try the veal.

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  11. A service i need
    Kvasir42 Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Interesting juxtaposition of stories in Stars & Stripes yesterday. 3 stories on one page: Top story is of the postponement of Gen. Sinclair’s adultery trial; middle story is of an AF captain confessing to raping a family friend; bottom story is continuation of front page article about the generals’ testimony that the commanders need to be in charge.

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  12. Madmen icon
    McSpook  almost 11 years ago

    Ms Ima, you’re disagreeing with Molon Labe? Don’t you realize that this will get you classified as merely “conservative,” and get you kicked out of the GOP?

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