Joe Heller for July 31, 2013

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    ConserveGov  almost 11 years ago

    Just reminding people who tried to stop it before all hell breaks out and the libs try to say it was “Bush’s fault”.

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  2. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  almost 11 years ago

    To the House of Representatives: We heard you the third time.

    Seriously, the system that Obamacare seeks to replace is broken. We cannot go back, we must move forward. If the Republicans were smart, they’d come up with a better plan. It’s more likely they would gain votes if they showed some real leadership. Privatizing healthcare has already been taken (Obamacare). Privatizing Medicare, as Mr. Ryan proposed, will just send seniors to emergency rooms, where the cost of care will rise exponentially, and the taxpayer will be expected to bail the hospitals out. Unworkable. So they will hope to gain power by trying to make the democrats fail (being part of the problem) rather than saving the day with, say, single payer (part of the solution). Good luck with that strategy. It may work, but at what cost?

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    chazandru  almost 11 years ago

    What legislation has been proposed that would create jobs? During the last election, both parties said job creation was their number one issue and since the elections, neither have said much or anything reported in our corporate owned media news outlets.Romney/Obama Care is a good idea, but lacking bipartisan cooperation, design, construction, and implementation, it is deeply flawed. And despite that, it is better than no health care at all.Sadly,C.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 11 years ago

    If you support and want Obamacare (the planned entry to total Socialized Government Medical Care) you need a refresher course in what the Constitution allows government to do! FDR undermined the Constitutional authority limits;LBJ put government into PROVIDING welfare (stealing from the Treasury of Tax Revenues) which the cowardly GOP failed to challenge in the USSC. Obama is succeeding where Clinton failed…on healthcare….and Saul Alinsky must be very, very happy to see his disciple Obama pushing the USA into bankruptcy and collapse of Capitalism.-If our original Constitution isn’t RESTORED soon, say Hello to the United Soviet States of Amerika.

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  5. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  almost 11 years ago

    " And if Single Payer is such a hot idea, why didn’t Democrats champion it when they had full control of both houses and the Presidency?"

    Darned good question. I can only speculate, but I think I’m right: Obama realized he would not get cooperation from Republicans for Single Payer; it would be dead in the water. He chose Romneycare to start with, since it was championed by a Republican and the idea originated at the Heritage Institute. Also he inserted the individual mandate so wonderfully received as the centerpiece of Medicare Part D, another Republican piece of health care. He figured if he gave them enough of their own ideas, he might receive cooperation. Two problems: one, Republicans had no desire to agree with him on anything. Two, those two models were seriously flawed, whether unconstitutional or not. Now we’re stuck with an attempted compromise gone bad.

    Wish he had gone for single payer from the beginning.

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  6. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  almost 11 years ago

    @Disgusted Taxpayer. Obamacare, despite what many people say, is not socialized medicine. It is quite the opposite. It is truly unfortunate that there is so much deliberate disinformation being distributed. How can anyone make an intelligent choice when one is presented with lies presented as facts?

    Obamacare is actually corporate welfare for the insurance industry: all gain, no pain. Insurance gets spoon-fed a bunch more clients, since all must purchase insurance. But the insurance companies are still allowed to either deny coverage to sick people or charge so much that it cannot be afforded, and so the taxpayer, through health exchanges and Medicaid, will take care of those that the health insurance companies taste and spit back out.

    @Deerflatener and @Disgusted: Do you presently have insurance of any kind? If so, you are a socialist. I strongly recommend you look up the word you so frequently throw around. You may be surprised at what it truly means.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 11 years ago

    @IPlay One….it is difficult to argue intelligently with someone who believes that private enterprise individual insurance companies amounts to “socialism”……duh.-@PepeLePew….do an internet search for Saul Alinsky, who before he died, wrote the Manual for grass roots doing progressive steps to achieve true 100% Government Control in a system of Socialism that replaces Capitalism and freedom for citizens, a system that will nullify our Constitution.

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  8. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 11 years ago

    And that medical problem is mental illness on the part of the House GOP.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 11 years ago out 3 pages of text, an article by Richard Poe, “Hillary, Obama And The Cult of Alinsky”….-Obama is a disciple of Alinsky and his 1971 book “Rules For Radicals”……the basics on how to achieve a collectivist state of socialism using FORCE to control all citizens, examples=USSR and Red China.

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    sky4forums  almost 11 years ago

    One accepted definition of INSANITY is to repeat the same action multiple time and expect a different outcome. It seems the house Republicans are showing us such behavior.

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    Brutatowski  almost 11 years ago

    The repuplicans screwed themselves and he country. After Hillarycare rolled over and died everyone knew the Democrats would keep coming back to it like a dog to is own vomit, but the Republicans sat on their hands and did nothing. Now, because about 15% of the old system was not working we are heading down the path to a single payer system. Soon, the best medical care will be reserved for those in power, just like in England. Get familiar with “end of life pathway” people, because that’s where we’re heading.

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  12. Misty morning
    SavannahJim Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    When I was a young man in the 80’s with small children, family insurance was out of the question-$$$. We had to wait for things to get bad enough to warrant a trip to The ER. Today my son’s allergies still plague him due to my not being able to afford tubes for his inner ears. He has no affordable insurance at his job and so the cycle continues. All these folks who are ideologically opposed to “socialized medicine” think they are “Midas Welby, MD” (Thanks I Play one on TV. A nod to your handle:).

    This system is not just broken but corrupted by capitalism. Societies well-being ought not be left up to what the market says. Our children’s heath is not a commodity. And neither should be anyone’s for that matter.

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