Steve Benson for August 15, 2013

  1. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Well that’s ok. We, the taxpayers, will bail them out if they start to fail, won’t we? Do I smell another TARP coming down the road? Will the next President, presumable Republican, get his “friends” in congress to pass another corporate handout? Stay tuned folks.

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  2. Missing large
    klr562  over 10 years ago

    Holder is finally working for the American people, but will Obama approve of him preventing another Bailout opportunity or possible take over by the government?

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  3. Jollyroger
    pirate227  over 10 years ago

    That should be a SAM not a goose. It won’t harm the DOJ.

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  4. Cheryl 149 3
    Justice22  over 10 years ago

    Amen! It would have been nice had they not allowed banks to buy out mortgages of other banks until they became “too big to fail”.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    After ‘Nam, I chose American for years because the service, price, and performance were great. Just took a trip across the country and chose American again. Terribly disappointing!! Late delays, poor service (though a couple attendants tried mightily to be “good”), and much higher prices. The merger with U.S. would just further screw over the public with more of what Reagan started with deregulation, that destroyed, not improved, air service in America. Granted, some minor routes to please certain Congresspersons is a problem, but back in the days before deregulation you COULD fly where you needed to, at lower prices, and weren’t shoe horned into an aircraft that was always 5% or more over-booked on every flight!!

    Yes, this “lib” doesn’t fly as much as before retirement, but enough to see that corporate control has destroyed the airline industry, and “service” in this country.

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  6. Cheryl 149 3
    Justice22  over 10 years ago

    I am so glad I have never done any of those things. I never served in the military, owned a weapon, invested in a company nor voted less than twice in an election either. **

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  7. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 10 years ago

    You hit on the very problem that shows up in this microcosm of American opinions. You noticed that it’s often “us-against-them”. We have de-volved from being neighbors, friends, family, and part of the UNITED states of America (one nation, indivisible) to the Good Guys and the Enemy/Those who wish to Destroy America.

    This goes back about a generation, which started with the idea that political aspirants cast their opponents as the enemy, and the only way to protect yourself from this enemy is to send them money and vote for them and the others who goose-step to their drumbeat.

    It’s working; they’re turning us into childish sheep. We no longer accept the fact that our opinions might be less than perfect, that our ideas might not be as good as the next guy’s, or that everyone has at least one helpful thing to say, if we would only listen.

    We’re right, they’re wrong, they hate America, and they will willingly destroy it if given half a chance. This is the groundwork for revolution, especially when the “He’s gonna take away our GUNS!” chant is, although baseless, enough to make us quadruple our gun sales.

    Some media outlets and some politicians are more culpable than others, but bottom line is that we have to buy into it. And we do. And while we do, we are so distracted fighting among ourselves that the Ruling Class does the destruction for us, waiting for us to blame each other for voting for them.

    It is time for the American voter to wise up, realize he/she isn’t right all the time, and that other ideas may actually have merit. We need to do our homework and vote based on action rather than slogans or political affiliation. We’re acting like a bunch of 13-year-olds, and it helps no one but the powerful.

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  8. Missing large
    DJGravityX  over 10 years ago

    Their goose is cooked…. or maybe minced…What, no jokes allowed?

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  9. Topzdrum 1w
    Hawthorne  over 10 years ago

    “Speaking of “cutting competition”, isn’t that the point of Obamycare? Single payer insurance?”

    ‘ObamaCare’ should be spelled ‘RomneyCare’, and no, it’s not single payer, nor anything remotely resembling single payer.

    It’s yet another generous gift to the insurance companies.

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