Nick Anderson for September 11, 2013

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    ConserveGov  over 10 years ago

    Riiiight. And the TV you watch is made at a ski resort in the Swiss Alps?Just more America bashing by Nicky.

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    Gypsy8  over 10 years ago

    You must have a very narrow and simplistic view of the world to think policy is either liberal or conservative, and merit is judged accordingly.

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    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    When Reagan introduced NAFTA, we were told that US cars made in Mexico and Canada would be sold in those countries, not in the USA. Reagan was not out of office two years before a bipartisan bill eliminated that provision and cars made in Mexico came back to car lots in the USA and factories in Detroit and other states began closing.It is easy to blame the unions who were still dealing with the corruption and racketeering of their own politicized leadership; but it was not the unions that passed the law breaking the promise Mr. Reagan made to American workers, it was career legislators acting on behalf of political donors who often had jobs waiting for their political servants, not ours, theirs.This problem has grown as Asian, South American, and other “Free Trade Zones” have been established and there really is only one solution.Those companies who manufacture “American” products overseas and import them back to the USA for sale must be charged an import tax so high that it is cheaper for them to make their products in the country where it was invented and patented. Many of our most popular products came about because of gov’t grants to schools and businesses and it is akin to the child whose parents sacrifice to help the child get the foundation and education need to succeed, and once successful, the child treats those parents with scorn and disrespect.It is not enough to take what the USA has to offer you. You must also give back. If you only take, without contributing your time as a volunteer, or your money to important causes, or your voice to those issues that are important to all of your neighbors, not just yourself… you are part of the problem at best, and a parasite at worst.There are some very bloated ticks stealing from YOU right now. Some are, as our conservative friends like to point out, lazy people who feel entitled to having their needs met by the gov’t. There are others with huge fortunes who could make a difference the way Carnegie, Morgan, Buffett, Gates, and others have done, but don’t.The blame is on both sides, and shared by rich and poor alike, but it is what we do about it that matters.Please write to your legislators. Bring our jobs home.Respectfully,C.

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    Dreamcat  over 10 years ago

    Kudoes to both The Wolf in Your Midst, and Respectful Troll, you have captured the essence of what is truly happening in this country. I am glad to know I’m not the only one who sees this; both sides of a government & corporate industry gone bad. Thank you for posting your thoughts.

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    lonecat  over 10 years ago

    He did get a book out of it, however. Well, parts of two books — David Copperfield and Little Dorrit.

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