Tom Toles for January 21, 2014

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    Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Remember republicans are poopyheads

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    RevBobMIB  over 10 years ago

    (sigh) Yes, Obama killed all the jobs. He was so good at it that he managed to crash the economy before he even became President! The fiend!.It’s like economists have been saying: if cutting taxes on the rich created jobs, we’d be swimming in ‘em by now. After all, we did that for thirty solid years. Instead, today’s “giant sucking sound” is the top 0.1% vacuuming up more wealth than ever, at the expense of what used to be the middle class.

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    Jason Allen  over 10 years ago

    “Obama killed the jobs.”The unemployment rate was 10% before he was even elected. The only logical explanation is that Obama traveled back in time and personally forced all those companies to move the manufacturing jobs to China.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    The problem isn’t voting for a wealthy person, it’s getting them to share some of it.

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    paynetom  over 10 years ago

    …And yet the tea-baggers keep drinking the Koch’s Kool Aid.

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    Diane Lee Premium Member over 10 years ago

    When it comes to voting for a wealthy person against one who isn’t rich, I don’t care. FDR was rich and he did more for the middle class than anyone in American history. Actually, he pretty much created the middle class. I care what they say they will do when they get in office— will they work for the middle class or for the rich. The Republicans will tell you quite bluntly that they believe in old fashioned capitalism, trickle down economics. The Democrats will tell you that they think it could use some adjustments to stop the income inequality that has become increasingly pronounced in the last 20 years or so. Now, I think all politicians are basically in it to win it, and they will do and say whatever it takes. The Democrats, if they win will continue to play the tune that put them there, so will the Republicans. Since I’m not rich, it’s to my advantage to vote for a Democrat. I probably won’t vote for another Republican until l can actually feel some of that trickle.

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    eugene57  over 10 years ago

    “Tell a guy who has been on unemployment for a year that he is guaranteed to be making 6 figures in 5 years if he agrees to work 80 hours a week and I bet 99% will say, “no thanks.””I am not out of work, but give me more information on how that works, and where I need to move to. I live in a red state and the average income is below $29000 a year. (many work over 40hr a week, etc, etc.)

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    Robert H. Boyer  over 10 years ago

    If Tommy Toles did not deliberately misunderstand every thing he would have no understanding at all.

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    CasualBrowser  over 10 years ago

    “rich” people built this country back in the late 1800s and early 1900s.-Crap. As if they were out there laying brick and digging trenches. The fact is, LOTS of people built this country, and to not acknowledge the contributions of everyone is to shortchange reality. That’s a horrible thing to do to the masses who sacrificed their time, health, even lives for the chance at a better future. Look at our tall tales that celebrated work: Paul Bunyon, John Henry, Mike Fink, Casey Jones, all workers celebrated for the sacrifices they made to contribute to advancing the nation. No Banker Von Baron, or Industrialist Ivan, or even Manager Maximillian. No, the work and the workers were celebrated, because of the admiration for someone who out forth so much effort, so much skill, so much of themselves. How dare you ignore the accomplishments and addition by entire populations. Each deserves recognition of what he or she did. And by that metric, each also deserves to have their shortcomings recognized: The greed, the cheating, the insider deals, and the deaths caused whether through carelessness or murder. Your one-sided, one-dimensional view doesn’t square with history or reality.

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    CasualBrowser  over 10 years ago

    “85% ?? You should proofread before hitting submit.”-No, no 85%, 85 individuals. You should proofread berfore you comment.

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    Robert H. Boyer  over 10 years ago

    In reading all the comments I am appalled at how many people there are who have no understanding of economics in the real world. They certainly lack a significant understanding of Capitalism which has driven this country to be the greatest nation ever to existence on this remote globe the third planet form a 3rd magnitude star.

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    CasualBrowser  over 10 years ago

    This is what Oscar is referring to.

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    hippogriff  over 10 years ago

    DLee4144: I was born during Roosevelt’s “hundred days” and throughout my childhood I heard the nouveau riche whine about how he was a “traitor to his class”. They weren’t even in his class. They got their money from the war profits of wars from the Civil War onwards; the Roosevelts made theirs while the place was still called Niew Amsterdam.

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    danketaz Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Business men killed the jobs. It was just cutting into their bottom line too much.

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    SClark55 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Why doesn’t it work anymore? Not a blanket statement here but, don’t you think some find it more lucrative to get unemployment benefits?

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    lonecat  over 10 years ago

    Capitalism was invented by liberals. It was a great step forward, though it also brought with it a new set of problems. Some of those problems have been solved, but others remain to be solved. I have never met a liberal who was opposed to capitalism.

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    CasualBrowser  over 10 years ago

    Oops, now I have egg on my face…

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    edward thomas Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Postal Service keeps cutting jobs, keeps wanting to cut service.Any economist will tell you that those two COMBINED means death spiral. At least MOST businesses try to do one or the other first, usually that means cutting jobs.Now we have a Conresscritter (Issa) who thinks cutting service, and taking the “savings” is a great way to fund veterans’ benefits, even though USPS gets NO taxpayer funding, and can’t pre-fund their OWN employee benefits based on a flawed CONGRESSIONALLY MANDATED procedure.See the flaw?And how many big businesses got that way by lobbying their Congressperson for a tax break?

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  19. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member over 10 years ago

    None. Just spouting the economic theory of the 80’s, 90’s , and 00’s

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    hodg  over 10 years ago

    Vote All Republicans Out of Office, and Keep a Close Eye on the Democrats…

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    overmood  over 10 years ago

    When force doesn’t work.

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