Mike Luckovich for March 26, 2014

  1. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 10 years ago

    9,135 of 9,136 scientists published in peer-reviewed journals in the last year agree that global warming is happening and it is largely caused by humanity.In 2013, there were 10,885 peer-reviewed climate articles. Only TWO reject man-made warming.James Lawrence Powell, a geochemist, compiled the results. He makes his data available, and provides links (links to his pages are below). His conclusions:

    1. There a mountain of scientific evidence in favor of anthropogenic global warming and no convincing evidence against it.2. Those who deny anthropogenic global warming have no alternative theory to explain the observed rise in atmospheric CO2 and global temperature. These two facts together mean that the so-called debate over global warming is an illusion, a hoax conjured up by a handful of apostate scientists and a misguided and sometimes colluding media, aided and abetted by funding from fossil fuel companies and right wing foundations. On the one side, we have a mountain of scientific evidence, on the other, ideology and arm-waving. On that basis, we are endangering our grandchildren’s future and pushing humanity toward the destruction of civilization.


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  2. Dale s photo
    Tuner38  about 10 years ago

    Global warming is a simp[le misnomer. It may get warmer year to year in some places and colder in others as we witnessed this winter in North America. If it were so settled why the change in description to climate change? This is not settled and simply claiming it is is much like the Malaysian declaration regarding flight 370.

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  3. Barnette
    Enoki  about 10 years ago

    Gorebal Warming and Manbearpig are real! Just ask Al Gore! He’s serial, or cereal, or something like that…

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    bernardgarner  about 10 years ago

    Religious people believe in God in spite of a complete lack of evidence for his existence because the really, really WANT to believe. Climate change deniers don’t believe in it in the face of mountains of evidence because they DON’T WANT to believe.

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  5. Barnette
    Enoki  about 10 years ago

    I’m sure that the Permian extinction event was man caused CO2 too… After all, that happened like 5,000 years ago just before the Great Flood Noah rode out… At least according to Creationists…

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    goweeder  about 10 years ago

    Exactly what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

    And if that question has you puzzled, then for sure you’re younger than I am.

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    frodo1008  about 10 years ago

    There are easily enough reasons for stopping the burning of fossil fuels without even bringing Rapid Global Climate Changes into the picture at all.

    Two major reasons are: (1) Both oil and coal are far too precious a commodity to just burn up into the atmosphere. Oil is the basis for our entire civilization, it is used as the major lubricant in keeping our industrial machinery running smoothly. It is used as the major coolant in machining processes. It is the entire basis of the petro chemical industry and plastics. It is even used in medicines and fertilizer for the food industry. It is not called black gold for no reason, and it is not renewable. So just burning it up into the atmosphere for just energy and transportation when there are other means for accomplishing those activities, is just plain stupid!!

    And behind door number two, is the fact that burning oil and coal up into the atmosphere pollutes that atmosphere in ways that are every bit as destructive to human beings as Rapid Global Climate Change is. In fact, one of the major causes of lung diseases in humanity is that very pollution of the atmosphere by the burning up of fossil fuels!

    And those reasons are every bit as dangerous to humanity now (and even more in the future) as the increased CO2 is in generating Rapid Global Climate Change. But I certainly do not expect the deniers of the one to even address the others anyway!!

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 10 years ago

    Nantucket (and others): Raymond Dasmann wrote of anthropogenic CLIMATE CHANGE, in Europe and North Africa: in 1953!! It is NOT a new term, and back in the ’50’s it spoke to the fact that some areas were warming, while others were cooling, and it was caused by Human activity.

    Models changed since then, largely because environmental laws did, and the picture is a little different, a lot larger, and now far more dangerous, because those blind to science, or motivated by profit regardless the consequences, have way too much power. Not to mention a different “power” is what they intend to continue selling more of, as what has posterity done for them??

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    echoraven  about 10 years ago

    Don’t really care about the evidence one way or another.Couldn’t care less about political correctness..Whether it’s true or not. Why not? The green technology has other benefits. Solar panels and wind mills save on electricity and electric vehicles are cheaper to run.

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    If you open your mind too much your brain falls...  about 10 years ago

    Nuts with comments

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    kaffekup   about 10 years ago

    I love the ‘70s Ice Age people.Let’s put on our bell bottoms and cruise to the disco in my Gremlin. I’ve got the latest Elvis 8-track!Because, nothing ever changes, right?

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    NoCons  about 10 years ago

    The funny part is that by the time the Cons finally admit that this might be a problem, it will be far too late to do anything about it.

    Your grandchildren are screwed.
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