Steve Benson for April 04, 2014

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    midaswelby  about 10 years ago

    In my state, there are now more than a million permit holders for Concealed Carry. Violent crime rates are dropping, not increasing. Most states must issue permits to those who qualify, and no state has ever devolved into the Wild West scenario that many assume.

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    braindead Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Another great day for gun violence advocates.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Your name says it all; whatever you say it’s designed to be offensive. And you must also be conservative because they don’t think anyone else has the right to be offensive and get away with it.

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    lonecat  about 10 years ago

    I’m not saying this is reality, but there’s a great old movie (1950), Winchester ‘73, starring Jimmy Stewart (and a gun). The whole movie is all about guns, and indeed the gun fighters all have to hand over their guns when they come into town. It’s just a movie, not history, but it’s interesting in terms of the historical discourse (as we say) about guns in the US. I recommend it.

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    echoraven  about 10 years ago

    Well stated point, but I’m going to add a sad truth. .Each one of us has a price; to the government, to insurance companies, to companies that manufacture products..Example. We would be much safer and a more ecologically friendly society with massive restrictions on automobiles. The price for such an action is so high (to the majority of Americans) that the thought of banning (or massive restrictions on) automobiles is ludicrous. .So to people on one side of the fence; are ok with banning guns because their lives aren’t affected in any way, shape or form. People on the other side of the fence have a firm belief that the benefits of a armed populace outweigh the incidents; just like the vast majority of American with automobile deaths..For the record; I know of 2 people in my life that have died via firearms, and many, many more through automobiles.

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