Rob Rogers for June 05, 2014

  1. Missing large
    ConserveGov  almost 10 years ago

    Send Oblunder back to Chicago!

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    chazandru  almost 10 years ago

    There is ample video of leading conservatives declaring that they will not support any program supported by the President. Sadly, there is also ample video of leading Democrats who, when they held the majority in the house, were insulting and derogatory to Republicans at a time when they had a chance to change the tone in Washington. Democrat arrogance and Republican hubris combined to create a six year program of obstructionism that has kept job growth, infrastructure repair, and programs to protect us from future financial disasters out of the public eye while social issues were pushed forward by Dems and repeal of social issues and the ACA were pushed forward by Republicans. As the income gap increases, so does the inability of the political parties to come to bipartisan decisions. As money becomes more important in the selection of candidates, the actual vote of the individual becomes less and less valuable. As the individual electoral votes of members of the electoral college become more important than the actual popular vote, the votes of each states’ citizens becomes a futile gesture where we say who we want and ‘they’ say who we will get.Hate and fear guide our path. Love, respect, and education are characteristics of weakness. If you are strong, you are loud, insulting, and demanding your way. If you are weak, you want to compromise and find a path that a majority of Americans can walk with some sense of pride. The minorities on the left and right are demanding that the majority in the middle take their path or shut up and stay out of the way.That is NOT the “American Way”.Respectfully,C.

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    baggar43z  almost 10 years ago

    Which web site do you adhere to? Go get em Troll!!!!!!!!!!

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  4. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    One nice thing about knowing that whatever you do, Faux news is going to figure out how to make it sound diabolic. It pretty much frees Obama to do whatever he thinks is best without giving the right wing any consideration at all. He came into office trying to achieve bipartisan support, and hit a stone wall. After banging his head against it for a while, he gave up and started running the country without any input from the Republicans. That’s why we have Obamacare, after liberals have been trying to get health care for at least 50 years with bipartisan support. If the Republicans had made even minimal effort to work with Obama, he would have spent his time negotiating instead of getting things done.

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  5. Barnette
    Enoki  almost 10 years ago

    How can they negotiate with Obama. After all, he’s already told them “I won, get over it.”

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    chazandru  almost 10 years ago

    You assume, my stout and ever hungry friend, that I consider the leadership and fanatical bases of our two party oligarchy in D.C. to BE Americans by anything other than birthright. As far as I’m concerned, they are about as American as the children born to women who came here from China and other nations in order to get their children citizenship and then after the child was born, they left. Reid, McConnall, Boehnor, and Pelosi do not pledge allegiance to the Red, White, and Blue… they offer their duty and service to the green and those who wave the green under their egocentric noses. I can use ample examples of what I consider an American to be from movies and music, but it is easiest to just look out of your window at those of your neighbors who not only do what is right and responsible to their families and friends, but they take that extra step and give their time and if possible, their money to their communities as volunteers. The underpaid teachers, policemen, and firefighters/EMTs represent what is best about our nation, people who give not only of their time, but of the hearts and bodies on our behalf. Politicians have become lampreys clinging to the soft white underbellies of those who they hope will offer them jobs or other opportunities they can enjoy in addition to the ample pension benefits they have legislated themselves.That was the Roman way, the way of the plutocracy and the way of the French Royals prior to the revolution that saw so many entitled people, many innocent of the opulence shown by their peers, have their heads separated from the torsos.The American way is, in my opinion, a way of honor. It is standing next to your neighbor in the pursuit of justice, fairness, and what is ethical. The American way is represented by what is best in the Bible and Quran. It raises all boats equally, not just the yachts. It is honest even when honesty might get the speaker in trouble. It is having the courage to overcome the fear of being insulted or even attacked for doing the right thing. It is also the willingness to disagree with a person but at the same time, being willing to defend to the death the right for a person to have that belief.I may be a cliché, but I am also an American. Perhaps being American has become cliché.btw, I saw a person who looks much like your avatar at dinner. You might want to avoid the desserts, it didn’t work out well for him.I enjoy the slant from which you write, Neocon Man. Perhaps after Stephen Colbert replaces Letterman, you should apply for his show.Respectfully,C.

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  7. Green d18 sided dice
    TripleAxel  almost 10 years ago

    When the cartoonist needs to ridicule a strawman it’s a good sign that he can’t address the real criticism’s of President Obama’s terrible dealmaking.

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