Steve Breen for February 26, 2015

  1. My personal icon
    cocavan11  about 9 years ago

    Breen’s obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

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    Mneedle  about 9 years ago

    This net neutrality will be a disaster. Get ready for higher costs and lower quality along with a generally slower internet. Hey, we can be just like Europe.

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  3. Froggy ico
    lbatik  about 9 years ago

    You nailed it, Size, but the reason that so many conservatives work so hard to give money (and power) to corporations: because they identify with the rich and powerful (the owners of the corporations) – either because they are themselves in that demographic (the politicians) or because they dream that they will be someday, ignoring the reality that they never actually will be, and so ignoring their own best interests and the measures which could improve their actual quality of life.

    It’s a rather sad irony; that the American dream should be so contra to the American reality.

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  4. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 9 years ago

    @FairportFan2 – I don’t know where you have been in Europe but most of the places where I’ve tried to use the internet in Europe have been a disappointment: Berlin, Budapest, London, Paris, Stockholm, Oslo, Frankfurt, Vienna to list a few. Strangely, I got pretty good service in Dublin, of all places.

    The Europeans don’t have it so great. They may be paying a lower price but that lower price comes with lower innovation.

    The government is going to mess this up terribly. In their thirst to create equality they will make it miserable for all of us equally.

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    jespence97  about 9 years ago

    Steve couldn’t cut warm butter with a sharp knife. Start reading the news, Steve.

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    kaffekup   about 9 years ago

    “Like it or knot”?I love both knots. Best things to happen for America.

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  7. Wrong
    BaltoBill  about 9 years ago

    So the President writes the bills now? I must have missed that on CSPAN because they only show both houses of Congress.

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    iThrud  about 9 years ago

    Euro internet. I get 100mb internet, up and down for $50 a month to my house in Sweden, and it’s way up north in a small town. In the UK I get 30mb down, up to 5mb up for $20 a month. My mate in Norway now gets 400mb both ways via fibre for around $70 a month.

    Hotel internet is terrible everywhere, so don’t use that as a yardstick.

    Turn off net neutrality, and we all suffer when we have to pay extra for every service, and see the services we may use that are not big enough to cut deals with all the telcos get strangled.

    Bandwidth is a cost, upping that cost costs us all.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member about 9 years ago

    As far as the Keystone Pipeline is concerned, I do like it — just fine. Thank you, Mr. President.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Steve, the definition of stupidity is ‘refusing to accept knowledge once it’s offered’ – the definition of ignorance is ‘the initial absence of knowledge’. Therefore, YOUR editorial cartoon exhibits ignorance of the real world, for sure – and I suspect it reflects a considerable amount of stupidity, as well!

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    6.6TA  about 9 years ago

    @Mephistopheles, Fairport Fan

    I’ve been in and out of Europe on a regular basis for some years now, including Berlin, London, etc. What I find on a reliable basis is that the internet service in hotels is about the same as what I see in hotels in US cities. “About the same” means it’s mixed, but generally slow to crappy.Internet at my company’s work locations is usually better than what I get at comparable locations in the US.My European colleagues all appear to have pretty good service at home.So, I think that my experience is consistent with the findings of those studies that I expect Fairport is referring to. And, with some limited experience, I find that prices for service are better — a lot better, than what I pay to ATT or TimeWarner.
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    Fireduprod  about 9 years ago

    I’m a conservative, and I’m alright with this. Let him speak for himself. Don’t group us all together.

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    randolini Premium Member about 9 years ago

    The democrats said the would vote for the KXL if it was built with good quality American steel and if the gas refined from it stayed in America. The republicans said NO. That’s because they want to use cheap steel from India and the refined gas will be loaded on tankers and exported overseas. A big giveaway to their darling Big Oil. Not so much for the poor Americans who get their land stolen for this mess. Without net neutrality, the rich get fast internet and the poor get squat. Our congress is controlled by Wall Street. A vote for a democrat or a republican is a vote for the greedy Wall Street barons. Want to scare the hell out of them, vote third party.

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