Nick Anderson for March 01, 2015

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    ConserveGov  about 9 years ago

    ^^ Lol…… Ya we really need the government regulating what we can see on the internet.I know u Democrats like Big Mommy Government holding your hand throughout life, but can’t we have one place of freedom?

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    timgilley  about 9 years ago

    No one has seen the document from the FCC. It was a 3-2 vote. At least two people think it sucks. Oh I get it. We have to pass it so we can see what’s in it. That always works. /S

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  3. Wtp
    superposition  about 9 years ago

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  4. And you wonder why
    Kylop  about 9 years ago

    Yup, Sharia law is the #1 trending topic on every social media and internet download site. BitTorrent has to add new servers to keep up, the cool kids stopped posting pics/videos of cats, porn has gone out of business….all because of net neutrality

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member about 9 years ago

    If free enterprise is so dedicated to help us why is our internet access much slower and much more expensive that services found in other countries? Capitalism works only when you have true competition not when one or two companies have a near monopoly.

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    paul GROSS Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Exactly, because there has never been an instance where a federal agency did one thing as a first step to dramatically expanding their power. For example, the Department of Education did not exist until 1979. It now has a budget of 70+ Billion dollars, 5,000 employees and their own building and has insinuated itself into every aspect of education. Meanwhile, performance on standardized testing has stagnated or fallen. Surely nothing like that will happen here.

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  7. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 9 years ago

    Wow, the Monied Powers have done a great job with their propaganda. The intent of Net Neutrality — which is supported by everyone NOT making money by owning some of the pipes — is to ensure that people don’t get their service “throttled” by a provider who wants to gouge more money. it ensures EQUAL TREATMENT. Since the Internet is fundamentally a public creation – it was created by DARPA – and is not an owned thing but a network across many, many points – there is no reason for someone to stake out ownership as if it were free land. It isn’t. It was developed with taxpayer money, and I see no reason why the taxpayer should not be protected by the government from greedy profiteers. That’s exactly what government is for. To counter an effective oligopoly for public benefit.

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  8. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  about 9 years ago

    Little something to consider righties:

    Net Neutrality is what we have right NOW. This was not a ruling to add more regulations and oversight, only to maintain the status quo.

    And isn’t it funny how we didn’t see any of our resident right-wingers demanding an end to Net Neutraility BEFORE the ruling? I’d have though if net neutrailty was such a bad idea, they’d have been pushing to end it fo ra long time.

    But nooo, they only went ballistic over the net neutrailty ruling after the rightie cartoonists and radio-screamers did. And even those guys weren’t blatting about how bad it was before the fact.

    Why was that?

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    Hmm, non-regulated corporate determination of costs to get onto the internet, which was developed with government funding, and legally made available by Congress to ALL, not just the military, vs having that government regulate and prevent outrageous, egregious, profits to corporations, and loss to the public.

    Gas prices are “regulated” by the market, while no real costs have increased in February for the oil industry, SPRING IS HERE!!! our gas prices have already incrased 60 cents a gallon in February, instead of March this year, as the public sits back and buys that sack of Bull from the companies again, just like EVEYR YEAR!!

    While only a huge portion of America’s oil and gas is produced on federal lands leased at pennies on the dollar compared ot “market value” off private land production, yep, government always increases costs when they regulate. Hmm, just like airline pairs rose steeply as “services” crashed and burned as soon as that industry was “deregulated”, and bankruptcies soared as monopoly crushed competition, and public good.

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    kline0800  about 9 years ago

    FCC 3 votes, yes. 3 Democrats versus 2 Republicans.-….(printed 3 pages).-this is a restart of the FCC battle to strangle conservatives and Christians in the 1950s.-The article traces steps taken by the Obama administration since 2009; imposing government regulation of broadband SPEECH.-Then there is the federal Universal Service Fund that gave Obama $2.2 Billion to spend on Obama Phones to the low-income (democrat) voters. In 2015 onward expect more tax money levied to increase the slush fund for the White House.-Expect more steps to regulate CONTENT of speech on the internet.-Expect “Licensing” of internet sites and possibly FTC “Licensing” of print media. (Content will be monitored).-Then there are the “non-government” allies of Obama like “Free Press” that call for Feds to spend $30 Billion a year to fund “approved” news operations. (TASS, anyone?)-This administration is piling up a mountain of sins against our Bill of Rights guarantees and our Constitution, IMO.

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  11. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 9 years ago

    “Throttling is like going 55 down a residential road, knocking out legit people off the road.”Another post from Bizarro World.You are supporting a system where a few companies that pay huge amounts of money get the privilege of driving 55mph on the highway, while those that don’t are forced to drive 25mph.This stifles competition and innovation.

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    6.6TA  about 9 years ago

    disgustedamerican:I had a look at your link.This was an editorial, which appeared to be saying much of what was said in Mr. Anderson’s cartoon, today.And most of your post appeared to be copied out of this editorial.So, I am curious; This has been a story for some time now. What news articles did you look at to get facts to draw your opinions from? All this seems a litle strange to me, since the case appears to be fairly clear: a) the internet was set up initially, by the federal government and it was based on net neutrality (ISP’s could not control content) b) a recent lawsuit challenged the requirement of net neutrality, because some ISP’s want to throttle or shut off successful content providers such as Netflix, in order to sell more of ‘their’ content.c) The lawsuit hangs on what looks like a legal technicality regarding title classification. d) The FCC governors have just voted to retain the existing requirements that have always been in place by changing the title classification.It looks to me like I will be able to continue to stream music from legal sources (eg. Pandora) without paying a premium to my ISP.Why all the shouting?

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    frodo1008  about 9 years ago

    Well, even though I would personally like to see the at least some of the ultra conservatives here banned permanently, I still put up with them for the sake of the present freedom of the internet.

    And all that is being done by the FCC (we will have to await further developements to be certain, as usual) is to ensure that the internet remains that way. So, go ahead and wish for something different, but remember that sometimes when you get what you wish for you get the shaft with it!!

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  14. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  about 9 years ago

    Prove it!

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    echoraven  about 9 years ago

    Congratulation Internet Service Providers. You did this to yourselves. You could not leave well enough alone, but had to muster all of your unmitigated greed looking for a dishonest and unethical way to make a buck..Unfortunately your customers will be the ones to pay for it..Again, congratulations.

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