Gary Varvel for March 04, 2015

  1. Idiocracy  1
    Dave Ferro  about 9 years ago

    To a lib like you, Hillary, probably not much. To the rest of us, it does matter.

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    btgen  about 9 years ago

    Trust me. Mr. Varvel is Christian conservative. I heard him speak at a prayer breakfast.

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    jim.bullard  about 9 years ago

    Since the law she allegedly violated wasn’t signed into law until two years after she left office, it doesn’t make a damn bit of difference.

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  4. Ms. piggy
    EllenLockwood  about 9 years ago

    That will be her answer to everything!

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    getitwright  about 9 years ago

    If the Conservative can make this law retroactive to when Mrs. Clinton was Sec. of State, May the moderates retroactively apply laws onto Republicans, other Democrats, independents and whole administrations?

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  6. Wrong
    BaltoBill  about 9 years ago

    Colin Powell used his own personal email, too, as Secretary of State.I guess the law doesn’t apply to Republicans, either?“\…But he had nothing to hide, you’ll say. except the falsified WMD evidence….Check and Mate.

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    echoraven  about 9 years ago

    “…and distract from what a truly horrendous job the righties are doing of trying to ruin, I mean run (no really it is ruin) this country”.Apparently your the one not paying attention. The workforce participation rate did not stop going down until just recently. That’s 6 YEARS OF BLEEDING PROSPERITY, 2 of those years with full Democratic control.

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  8. Antiliberal mousepad
    FishDog93  about 9 years ago

    The only sheeple is you!! So sad that all you can do is parrot what your masters tell you. Maybe you should try paying attention to reality & the real world, not the liberal lala-land that you have going on in your head. It’s so sad that you on the left are so willing to over look the rule of law on EVERY ISSUE!

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  9. Antiliberal mousepad
    FishDog93  about 9 years ago

    Once again you perfectly describe your self! You really need to try looking in a mirror.

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  10. Antiliberal mousepad
    FishDog93  about 9 years ago
    those of you who are honest will have to admit that I try very hard to cite the least partisan sources I can

    ^^That is a joke right??

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    frodo1008  about 9 years ago

    You know, it really grows tiresome here with all of the spitting back and forth. Alstough, I must admit that most of seems done by a few of our more extreme ultra conservatives here, just perhaps, if nobody ever answered these types, we could have peace, but I doubt it, as they would probably then start to fight among themselves!

    But nothing matters, as the Republicans are obviously NOT going to allow any kind of a reasonable and moderate Republican to get anywhere near the nomination for the run for the POTUS in 2016. It just isn’t going to happen!

    So, if Hillery Clinton, who has at least a somewhat reasonable reputation for being a relatively moderate liberal wants the Democratic nomination, she will have it. However, I certainly would not blame her a bit if she did not want to subject either herself or her family to the kind of vindictiveness that I so often see by the more ultra conservative elements here! Good God above, who in their right mind would want to be subjected to that!

    But, if she wants it, then she IS going to be the next POTUS, and all of the crying, whining, and screaming about it by the more right wind ultra conservatives here and elsewhere is not goingtot mean anything in the long run. Heck, she might even have enough pulling power, (especially with the right type of vice presidential candidate like Elizabeth Warren at her side) that she might just end up with a cooperative Congress, instead of the kind of roadblock that the current president has had to experience.

    So, with that for at least some four years, if she can not bring a better life to the 99% of Americans that are not the super wealthy, then we can indeed possibly elect the other side, and give them their much sought after chance also. And strangely enough, I am all for that if necessary!

    Eventually, we might even have to give the power to someone without either a D or an R before their names. Hey, stanger things have happened before in politics!!

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