Steve Breen for July 17, 2015

  1. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
    A bit of hemlock biscuit with that Kool-Aid?
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    Mneedle  almost 9 years ago

    There is nothing new in these disclosures. We have known for a very long time that PP is a profit making enterprise and that the most profit is made through abortions.

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  3. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Has Steve Breen, an otherwise talented artist and commentator, really sunk to such depraved dishonesty to promote his ideology? There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that Planned Parenthood has sold anything or made any profits in following their policy of honoring women’s requests when they ask that discarded tissue be made available to help others. There is absolute NO EVIDENCE that any payments beyond direct, specific reimbursement of actual expenses. Planned Parenthood is a NON PROFIT organization that depends heavily on donations, because it does NOT profit from its services, largely to low-income women who have no ability to pay.

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  4. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    @Tax Man — your FALSE ACCUSATIONS against Planned Parenthood are factually wrong and utterly dishonest. Less than 3% of Planned Parenthood services involve abortions and, no they do not “make money” on abortions, and as a legal NON-PROFT, would lose that status if they did (and you know the right-wing ideologues who would make sure that got enforced if they had even the slightest hint of evidence. Planned Parenthood is a NON-PROFIT agency that depends on funding and donations precisely because it largely serves low-income women who cannot afford to pay for their services, which is hardly a profit-making model. Those who have to lie about others to promote their own agenda prove that even they know how factually, logically and morally bankrupt that agenda is.

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  5. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    @russnpat7 — you seem to be confusing embryos and fetal tissue with human children. There is no equivalence. ALL elective abortions (all abortions other than those resulting from later medical emergencies, which account for fewer than 4 out of 10,000 procedures) occur prior to the onset of measurable EEG brain waves. The cessation of EEG brain waves is the legal definition of clinical death, so it is hard to understand how one can consider something to be a human child prior to the onset of EEG brain waves. And don’t give me the nonsense about embryos or early fetal tissue being “human life” — yes, they are alive and of the human species — unless you are also prepared to tell us your proposal to ensure that no human sperm or ovum — each a living cell of the human species, ergo “human life — ever be allowed to die unfertilized.

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  6. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    @jrussnpat7 — there is no consciousness, thought, feeling, sentience or even measurable EEG brain waves (which do not begin until about the 24th or 25th week and, yes, I can cite peer-reviewed medical journals on that). I don’t mean to diminish the value or importance of sperms, eggs or embryos for those who want and cherish the POTENTIAL human being that could be created, but the idea that this embryonic, fetal or pre-fertilized tissue has any equivalence — or even any “right” to control a body that is owned by someone else, a body the tissue has not even any awareness of, is just bizarre. And invoking “god” is utterly nonsensical. Our public policy and our legal rights in a secular nation do NOT come from god or religion, but rather come from the Constitution, which the U.S. Supreme Court (based on the intent of the Founders, since abortion was legal in all original states and not outlawed until Connecticut became the first in 1821, almost 50 years after the Declaration) has declared includes, in the right to privacy, the right of women to control the most private parts of their own bodies. And seriously, god? WHICH GOD? The Judeo-Christian god of the Bible? There is no character in all of literature that killed more women, babies and fetuses than the Judeo-Christian god. Further, in the entire Bible, there is not even the slightest hint of moral opposition to abortion. The Bible is 100% PRO-CHOICE (well, at least for the husbands, if not the wives who actually get pregnant).

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  7. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    @cdward — the issue is NOT “human life.” The issue is when “human life” becomes a human PERSON. Viable human sperm cells and viable human ova capable of developing into a human person are, by definition, also ALIVE and of the HUMAN SPECIES, ergo HUMAN LIFE. Yet, I have not yet met a conservative who recognizes these HUMAN LIVES as being HUMAN PERSONS, therefore they acknowledge that the issue is not about when “LIFE” begins, but when that LIFE becomes a human PERSON. According to the “logic” of equating human “life” with being a human PERSON, since a human sperm cell and a human ovum are alive and of the human species, ergo “human life,” before you can try to impose your moral beliefs on others by force of law, please tell us exactly what your proposal is to ensure that no human sperm or egg ever dies unfertilized. According to the “logic” of “life = person”:Menstruation is murder! Masturbation is genocide! An excellent site that examines this point in depth, often with humorous examples the conservatives just didn’t think about, is at:

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  8. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Yes, “martens is fed up” — As I noted earlier, the Bible is 100% pro-CHOICE, right from the beginning. And, as the when body becomes soul, yes, right at creation, the Bible account says that the body becomes a soul upon first breath (Genesis 2:7).

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 9 years ago

    All those opposed to viable medical research: use leaches, not transplants, anti-biotics, micro-surgeries, pre-natal care, no more in-utero surgeries to save the fetuses, call you witch doctor.

    My son-in-law’s father had a liver transplant, and yes, the cost of acquiring that liver was reimbursed to the provider. He was also so bad off that only ONE RESEARCH HOSPITAL in the U.S. would accept him as a patient! The cost was also covered by his union health insurance, hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    Be a true “pro-life” conservative- let’s bomb Iran, Syria, and maybe Pakistan while we’re at “crusade”.

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  10. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    WELL LET ME TELL YOU ALL ABOUT MY EXPERIENCES! I have been pregnant 3 times in my life, I KNEW the next day I was pregnant! Why, how? Because I felt, a “butterfly effect” in my womb! *EVERY TIME! I can’t explain to you NON BELIEVERS but it was there, and I was right! My first pregnancy happened by ACCIDENT when my husband and I had no medical coverage so I went to Planned Parenthood to get my exam and confirmation of my pregnancy. When the “SO CALLED NURSE” told me I was pregnant I began to cry. NOT BECAUSE I DIDN’T WANT TO BE PREGNANT, BUT BECAUSE I WONDERED HOW WE COULD AFFORD THE MEDICAL BILLS, ETC. I was scared, BUT NEVER EVER WOULD I ABORT MY CHILD! THAT IS MURDER! I *First words out of the Beyotch’s mouth, *WEREN’T “it will be alright, don’t worry”


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  11. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    So yeah, all you PRO Planned Parenthood folks and PRO ABORTION folks tell me how great they are.

    And how many of you saying it’s not a human life until it becomes a person? It is a human life in it’s smallest stages, BUT CREATED BY 2 HUMAN BEINGS! SO IT IS A HUMAN!

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Good use of all caps. Nothing proves a point better than screaming..By the way, I assume you’re against all organ donations, right? Because that’s what this is about: Same as if someone is in an accident and their family agrees to donate their heart, kidneys, liver, eyes … horrible, isn’t it? You’d be against that, too, I’m sure.

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  13. Tile comics logo
    TileComics  almost 9 years ago

    To the people comparing sperm or eggs to enwombed babies – neither of those things by themselves begin the process of life. The fertilized zygote, however, is the beginning of a life process that continues until death. Sperm “by itself” has no such potentiality. So, sorry, that “logic” doesn’t work.

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