Mike Luckovich for April 11, 2017

  1. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Seeing the CEO try to tap-dance his way out of THIS fiasco is really pretty disgusting! “Fly The Fascist Skies!” Uh…NO!

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  2. 2016 steelers wallpaper six superbowls rings trophys
    awesomesteeler  about 7 years ago

    That is utterly Ridiculous how that situation all played out in social media, news…. United will definitely feel the Bite of media consumption. It certainly wasn’t thought out properly or to use the latest term – Extreme Vetting!

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member about 7 years ago

    While it was a PR disaster, they do have the right to remove any passenger from their aircraft. They tried to pay him a 1000 dollars, they asked nicely and then had to call security. We do need to get the rest of the story. His doctor story is probably phoney and I would suspect he was belligerent and possibly aggressive before security grabbed him.

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  4. Wtp
    superposition  about 7 years ago

    I don’t think we were supposed to notice. Makes you wonder how many times it has already occurred?

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  5. Plsa button
    Richard S Russell Premium Member about 7 years ago

    I’d expect the capitalist purists to be all over this one. The airline offered all the passengers a voucher for $X to leave the flight (standard amount, same for everyone, an obvious socialist plot), but nobody bit, so they drew 4 names at random. The free-market solution would be to keep upping the offer, auction-style, until they had 4 takers. Then (Ayn Rand be blessed) they would’ve had an enforceable contract between a willing seller and a willing buyer.

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  6. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  about 7 years ago

    It seems odd they would do this to a doctor. Usually, many places cut docs some slack, especially if they show their credentials. In an emergency, what is the first thing they ask? Is there a doctor onboard? No, you kicked him off!

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    Jeff Justice Premium Member about 7 years ago

    I don’t get it. Where’s the Trump bashing part. Are you sure Mike drew this?

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    braindead Premium Member about 7 years ago

    A perfect example of the corporations that so-called ‘conservatives’ believe are people and entitled to constitutional rights.


    They also believe that corporations are on their side.

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  9. Sjacket
    phredturner  about 7 years ago

    Should have just driven that crew to Louisville. 5 hour drive would have easily made it for rest and their morning flight

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  10. Coloradofiedcalifornia
    californicated1  about 7 years ago

    If you folks remember United Breaks Guitars back in 2009, this customer service and public relations nightmare will be worse than that.

    The problem is that the corporation lied about why it wanted those seats in the first and did not give the right incentive package to the paying passengers who already boarded and took their seats.

    And if a United crew needed to fly to Louisville, they could have taken another flight at some other time.

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    rekam Premium Member about 7 years ago

    United had better rethink it’s method of over-booking in a hurry.

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    Argy.Bargy2  about 7 years ago

    COULTERENTITY Source, please, since yours is the only post I’ve seen with this disgusting re-attack on a human? And especially since the unconscious bloody faced passenger who was dragged off the plane was not accompanied in any pix by a wife or anyone other than misused police officers, whose time would have been better spent arresting United’s CEO for causing such a major drop in the value of the company’s stock that investors are rushing to ‘deplane, deplane’. Sure hope the great-hearted United CEO tries to obtain medical services from the group or hospital employing the doctor he had assaulted, and the hospital ‘re-accomodates’ the CEO with all the kindness he had his minions handle the doctor.

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  13. Boudicca1
    Strawberry Hellcat: Gair I gall, ffon I’r anghall  about 7 years ago

    I notice the corporate-run media is already creating a negative narrative about the background of the beaten passenger, truly adding insult to injury.

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  14. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  about 7 years ago

    I’m married to a doc myself and I felt for the guy because of that too. There are many dedicated medical professionals who do take getting to their obligations seriously. My husband has soldiered on through many a storm and sweated through many an arduous flight trying to make it on time. Most of them do their best to be there at the appointed times they are needed.

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  15. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  about 7 years ago

    The fact that the doctor was a foreign national who was practicing medicine in a rural area highlights another problem with trump’s policy of extreme vetting bs. Many rural and urban areas are underserved in terms of medical docs. Many of these areas simply would not have medical care if it were not for some foreign docs.

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  16. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 7 years ago

    Too many people checking in and not enough seats.

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    Albany58  about 7 years ago

    “Nobody at all should ever fly United again.”I’ve been fulfilling that pledge to myself for about five years now.

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