Kevin Necessary Editorial Cartoons by Kevin Necessary for April 10, 2024

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    sipsienwa Premium Member about 2 months ago

    Sadly, true in too many places.

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    ibFrank  about 2 months ago

    Hey the rich and upper middle class need all the help they can get the rest don’t need a good education since we have such a high minimum wage. /s as if that was needed.

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    knutdl  about 2 months ago

    Are there schools in USA? OMG!

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  about 2 months ago

    They hate cash giveaway

    When its not for their owb pockets


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    aristoclesplato9  about 2 months ago

    Heaven forbid the money follow the student. Dems insist it go to the unions.

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    akachman Premium Member about 2 months ago

    Nailed it.

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    Kurtass Premium Member about 2 months ago

    In Indiana, a private online school ripped off the state for over 60 million dollars. But the Attorney General Todd Rokita is more worried about a doctor performing a necessary abortion on a 10 year old child, instead of going after the griters.

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    The Nodding Head  about 2 months ago

    In Ohio…

    Voters pass Constitutional amendment legalizing abortion (by +14%): “We still oppose” —Republican legislature

    Voters pass legalization of cannabis (same margin): “Stall, stall, stall” —Republican legislature

    Money for Christian madrassas and scam schools run by Republican rip-off artists: “We’re shoveling money as fast as we can! Bigger shovels! Have some more!” —Republican legislature

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    Godfreydaniel  about 2 months ago

    A lot of so-called “Christian” boarding schools are basically sweat shops, and many are full of abuse. Dickens would recognize the similarities.

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    NRHAWK Premium Member about 2 months ago

    Funding for private and Christo schools is the first place I would start with cost cutting. It’s well past time to bring our public schools into the 21st century and give our teachers a raise.

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    mac04416  about 2 months ago

    Privet schools focus on STEM education. Public school more on social indoctrination.

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    SammySnyder  about 2 months ago

    Yes, we can’t have those black and brown kids getting as good an education as a rich white kid!/s

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    chaosed2  about 2 months ago

    What’s next? Parents getting a say in the type and quality of their children’s education?

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    Tonto & Redd Panda  about 2 months ago

    If rustiplates9 is gonna troll the comics, he should take some more ESL classes, and pay attention to Grammar.

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    piper_gilbert  about 2 months ago

    Remember, private schools choose the students not the other way around. It’s a great way for wealthier parents to get tax payers to pay for schools that keep the riff raff away from their precious children.

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    leonardonyc  about 2 months ago

    Is quite the opposite, and if Dems want to money with the schools why dont they make sure it’s been well spent?

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    Radish the wordsmith  about 2 months ago

    Another way for right wingers to steal public money for their private gain.

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    Havel  about 2 months ago

    Am I the only one seeing the irony of the right whining about loan forgiveness for students but being OK with straight out cash payments to people to avoid public schools? Shouldn’t the extra cost be off-putting? Shouldn’t they be telling parents that if they want private school, they should pay for it themselves? Or, are their motives not what they really say?

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    Diane Lee Premium Member about 2 months ago

    The rich benefit from the caste system that keeps college out of the reach of all but those who are already well off. They can pay wages that require two or three jobs per household just to keep food on the table, while they keep the majority of the GNP produced by the people who are living that way. And, they are assured that future generations will remain in that situation, since tuition isn’t an option.

    The average college graduate pays about $7800 more a year in federal taxes than the average high school graduate (2023). Over 30 years, that totals about $234,000. If that’s divided by the 4 years it takes to get a college education, THE GOVERNMENT MAKES MONEY ON AVERAGE ON EACH STUUDENT. This includes those who never, graduate, get degrees that don’t help get a job, or just generally don’t make it, because the majority do.

    This doesn’t even consider that with the degree, the person is less likely to ever need unemployment or welfare, that more students would complete high school if they could see a clear way to a really good job, and that they would be enriching the Social Security and Medicare funds. They would also be paying a larger amount in all other types of taxes.

    The best investment we could make to keep America strong is to not just forgive all student loans but to make all higher education, including trade schools, etc totally free, as long as the student is making decent grades, and increase the number of schools and teachers to make room for all who can profit from the education. There is no better way to spend money than to invest it in our people, to give them every opportunity to be the best they can be. Yes, It’s good for them individually, but the country is made up of individuals, so what’s good for one is good for the country.. We don’t, even during a time of high unemployment, have so much a lack of jobs as we have a lack of people who have the skills to perform the jobs that are available- in other words, a lack of education.

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    casonia2  about 2 months ago

    Exactly, Mr. Necessary.

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    CougarAllen  about 2 months ago

    In Finland it is against the law to charge money for education, so there are no private schools. All the schools are the same, too, so the rich aren’t allowed to send their children to a better public school than they arrange for other children. The result is that all children get a good education.

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    cracker65  about 2 months ago

    This one is great

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    Rich Douglas  about 2 months ago

    Charter schools and school vouchers have always been about transferring public money into for-profits’ pockets.

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    tpcox928  about 2 months ago

    All the GOP wants is for people to write off private school tuition from their taxes. Allow that and the attacks on public education stops. In the meantime the GOP will keep finding ways to take money from public schools and give it to private schools, in order to help the wealthy. Anyone who blames unions has never taught in a school.

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