Turning cars into bikes isn’t a good idea. People will just make more cars. Most American cities are designed to make you dependent on cars. I’ve chosen to live where I don’t need a car every day. About five years in the U.S. and almost 15 in Germany. It is easier here because the government (despite economic interests and a deep-seeded love of cars) builds infrastructure to allow life without cars. Public transportation and bikes are a technological and social advance over one person driving in a car four miles to a supermarket. It’s a choice and it has made me healthier.
Turning cars into bikes isn’t a good idea. People will just make more cars. Most American cities are designed to make you dependent on cars. I’ve chosen to live where I don’t need a car every day. About five years in the U.S. and almost 15 in Germany. It is easier here because the government (despite economic interests and a deep-seeded love of cars) builds infrastructure to allow life without cars. Public transportation and bikes are a technological and social advance over one person driving in a car four miles to a supermarket. It’s a choice and it has made me healthier.