About Next Door Neighbors

Meet the Deweys:

Norm mows the lawn at 10 p.m. ... Claire and her punk band dial it to 11 when they practice in the basement ... Jake just set fire to the neighbor's compost heap ... and Jan is simply trying to keep up with the bills. Just another day in the neighborhood.

They're the Next Door Neighbors -- stop by and say hello.

Meet the Dewey family:

Not-so-proud patriarch Norm works (sleepwalks through) a nondescript blue-collar job, loves beer (and cocktails) and spends most of his time in sloth-like bliss in front of the TV and parking cars in the lawn. His idea of fitness is binge-watching "The Biggest Loser."

Norm's better half, Jan, works part-time, is a voracious reader, and essentially keeps everything running smoothly at Chez Dewey ... someone has to.

Claire, their 17-year old daughter, is rude ... with 'tude to spare ... plays bass in a punk band, writes songs, and just wants to go on tour ... anything to get out of 6th period math class.

Twelve-year-old Jake is often found sporting a D average in school, excels in advanced-placement detention, and works hard to be the bad influence to all the other kids in the neighborhood.

They're loud ... they're obnoxious ... and definitely not the model family ... They're the Deweys -- and they live next door.

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