9 Chickweed Lane by Brooke McEldowney for March 17, 2001
Juliette is in the Emergency Room, hunched forward in pain. The doctor says: "I see...So, on a scale of one-to-ten, where ten is the worst pain you've ever felt, where would you place this pain?" Juliette exclaims: "RIGHT HERE!" She reaches inside the terrified doctor's shirt. Juliette is lying down on the Emergency Room table. Gran and Edda stand by her. Edda asks: "What's that she has clutched in her hand?" Gran replies: "It looks like chest hair." The doctor grasps his chest and looks like he has gone mad with pain. A doctor asks him: "...So, Doctor, on a scale of one-to-ten, where ten is the worst pain you've ever felt, where would you..."