9 Chickweed Lane by Brooke McEldowney for July 21, 2009
Edda says, "Hi, Sister Steven. What happened to you?" Nun says, "Didn't you know? It's one of my guilty pleasures…." Nun says, "…Immersing myself in mud, slugs and pond scum. I never miss a chance." Nun says, "And I see your guilty pleasure:" Nun says, "Bathing naked in each other's embrace." Amos says, "Oh...we're not bathing naked." Nun says, "Ah...I see. You've been hammering out those last codicals to tighten up your unfriendly takeover of the world flange mass-production market." Amos says, "I forgot what it's like to be drenched in a torrent of her cold, menacing sarcasm." Edda says, "It makes me feel like a kid again."