9 Chickweed Lane by Brooke McEldowney for September 20, 2010
Kiesl says, "The truth is, I married a pretty, young girl years ago, and so potent was her hold on me that I never could wrest myself loose of her. It wasn't a religious marriage or a civil one… it was a bond that rooted in my heart and remained there, growing and possessing me." Gran says, "Where did you marry her?" Kiesl says, "At a P.O.W. camp in England in 1944." Kiesl says, "I fell in love and made her my fiancee and married her all during the first song she sang for the prisoners." Gran says, "Don't you think you might have let her in on the secret?" Kiesl says, "At the time I felt I daren't. But now..." Kiesl says, "...I do."