9 Chickweed Lane by Brooke McEldowney for March 20, 2011
Edda says, "Amos… did you listen to me?" Amos says, "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over your legs." Edda says, "What I told you yesterday about Claudio was a secret. I hope you didn't betray my confidence." Amos says, "Um… I might have repeated it to someone. Will Claudio be mad?" Edda says, "Well, actually, Janice told me... but it was on the strictest QT." Amos says, "So I betrayed your betrayal of her betrayal of his confidence?" Edda says, "To be absolutely accurate, Claudio told Fernanda, who told Seth, who told Mark, who told Janice, who told me." Amos says, "So... I betrayed your betrayal of a tattle of a leak of a blab of a whisper of a strict confidence?" Edda says, "Um..." Edda says, "Can we forget all this and just kiss?" Amos says, "Are you asking me, or Claudio?"