Indeeed so. Have to state to make the appt, restate when you arrive at the clinic, restate to the nurse, and then the doc. I asked him last time “Do you every really know before I physically come in why I am coming in?” His response “No, but I know you are thinking you had to repeat it over and over, but the office has to code it, they have to schedule based on severity, and the nurse needs to know so she knows whether to rush me or not.” I said “Well, couldn’t your team just communicate it to each other?” He said “In a perfect world, but in that perfect world I could spend more time with everyone, but the problem is insurance companies and PBMs, plus the increased case loads.”
Indeeed so. Have to state to make the appt, restate when you arrive at the clinic, restate to the nurse, and then the doc. I asked him last time “Do you every really know before I physically come in why I am coming in?” His response “No, but I know you are thinking you had to repeat it over and over, but the office has to code it, they have to schedule based on severity, and the nurse needs to know so she knows whether to rush me or not.” I said “Well, couldn’t your team just communicate it to each other?” He said “In a perfect world, but in that perfect world I could spend more time with everyone, but the problem is insurance companies and PBMs, plus the increased case loads.”