prayers reach God no matter where you make them, in church, your home or a foxhole you’ve dug to hide in from the other army’s bullets. Prayers are offered up to God from the meek, humble and the proud and mighty and all those in between and are for God’s ears only. Those who need boxes to stand on are those who are calling out to others to listen to them, those who need to appear powerful and influential. :The box standers tend to be politicians, rich business men and those who want to take power.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 5 years ago
Is the world ready for an Agnes getting her way?
Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 5 years ago
It’s never too soon to realize there is no God.
dwane.scoty1 about 5 years ago
Agnes, That demon over you on the dresser is not going to help your case!
well-i-never about 5 years ago
Or a manhole cover.
Marvin Premium Member about 5 years ago
You have it wrong, Agnes. You want to be rich; a zillionaire.
Jeff0811 about 5 years ago
For some reason this James C. Dobson quote comes to mind…no one stands as tall as when they stoop to help a child.
Jeff0811 about 5 years ago
For some reason this James C. Dobson quote comes to mind… No one stands as tall as when they stoop to help a child.
In time, Agnes will be taller, thus her prayer will have been answered. In the meantime she, along with the rest of us, will enjoy her childhood.
Dani Rice about 5 years ago
I wonder if Agnes ever saw the movie Big?
chris_o42 about 5 years ago
I know, Agnes, I feel your pain, God didn’t make me tall either. I hate always finding things to stand on because I can’t reach something.
ChessPirate about 5 years ago
No, no, Agnes, remember what happened last time. The aim was a little off and only hit your feet and neck…
1MadHat Premium Member about 5 years ago
Being taller so that it’s easier to get what you want is like the guy I worked with who voted Republican because a lot of them are wealthy.
theincrediblebulk about 5 years ago
prayers reach God no matter where you make them, in church, your home or a foxhole you’ve dug to hide in from the other army’s bullets. Prayers are offered up to God from the meek, humble and the proud and mighty and all those in between and are for God’s ears only. Those who need boxes to stand on are those who are calling out to others to listen to them, those who need to appear powerful and influential. :The box standers tend to be politicians, rich business men and those who want to take power.