@Number Three Today’s strip must be funny , but I can’t get the joke :o{ who would want to steal Andy’s identity anyway? :o) my avatar is a quote by Shakespeare not to challenge him in a battle of wits unarmed , which is fitting for the trolls that have crawled back from their rock, how was your day ? our day should be busy and confusing as our Manic Mondays usually are take care and flag away and thanks for caring pal.
@Number Three Today’s strip must be funny , but I can’t get the joke :o{ who would want to steal Andy’s identity anyway? :o) my avatar is a quote by Shakespeare not to challenge him in a battle of wits unarmed , which is fitting for the trolls that have crawled back from their rock, how was your day ? our day should be busy and confusing as our Manic Mondays usually are take care and flag away and thanks for caring pal.