Today’s strip IS funny , but a recent repeat, our HERO Mr Andrew Capp’s list of achievements is impressive so maybe he can get a job as a waiter in a pub :o) my avatar is a picture of a tortoise and a statement of how long some animals live affecting their life span , which one would you like to be? I already resemble the turtle , I am 76+yrs old , never exercise and nap a lot ;o) how was your day? our day should be busy like our Thursdays usually are but we have no errands to run both in a good mood and expecting no visits , keep safe and thanks for caring young Lady
Today’s strip IS funny , but a recent repeat, our HERO Mr Andrew Capp’s list of achievements is impressive so maybe he can get a job as a waiter in a pub :o) my avatar is a picture of a tortoise and a statement of how long some animals live affecting their life span , which one would you like to be? I already resemble the turtle , I am 76+yrs old , never exercise and nap a lot ;o) how was your day? our day should be busy like our Thursdays usually are but we have no errands to run both in a good mood and expecting no visits , keep safe and thanks for caring young Lady