Aaaargh!! Ludwig is getting old. This makes me feel ancient (or more so, at least).
We have steps of one sort or another beside the bed and both couches for our old cat. Well, he’s really not that old, only 13, but has very bad arthritis from being hit on the highway as a kit. That’s actually where my wife rescued him – about 5-6 weeks old sitting in the middle of the traffic lane, vehicles quite literally straddling him, screaming his head off. She stopped in the road, halting traffic, and saved him. He’d been hit, back leg broken and some spinal injury but the vet fixed him up and he’s been the most loving cat.
Aaaargh!! Ludwig is getting old. This makes me feel ancient (or more so, at least).
We have steps of one sort or another beside the bed and both couches for our old cat. Well, he’s really not that old, only 13, but has very bad arthritis from being hit on the highway as a kit. That’s actually where my wife rescued him – about 5-6 weeks old sitting in the middle of the traffic lane, vehicles quite literally straddling him, screaming his head off. She stopped in the road, halting traffic, and saved him. He’d been hit, back leg broken and some spinal injury but the vet fixed him up and he’s been the most loving cat.