I would like a reader board in the back window. I would not use it for obscenities, but I would like to be able to thank the people who are courteous and let me in.
As for obscenities’, I know a number of hand gestures I can use. However, I do not suffer road rage, first of all, it’s a commute, not a competition. Nobody has even dropped the checkered flag as I come roaring in with tires screeching into the parking lot at work.
Secondly, I only worry about things I can do something about, so I don’t fight traffic; traffic ALWAYS wins.
Finally, I console myself with the thought that some people can’t get through the day without making an asshole of themselves. Some people jump on every opportunity they can get. It makes me laugh and then I say a prayer that they get to where they are going without injuring anyone. If I am in a good mood, I will include them in that prayer. Now if I just knew who the patron saint of assholes is …
I would like a reader board in the back window. I would not use it for obscenities, but I would like to be able to thank the people who are courteous and let me in.
As for obscenities’, I know a number of hand gestures I can use. However, I do not suffer road rage, first of all, it’s a commute, not a competition. Nobody has even dropped the checkered flag as I come roaring in with tires screeching into the parking lot at work.
Secondly, I only worry about things I can do something about, so I don’t fight traffic; traffic ALWAYS wins.
Finally, I console myself with the thought that some people can’t get through the day without making an asshole of themselves. Some people jump on every opportunity they can get. It makes me laugh and then I say a prayer that they get to where they are going without injuring anyone. If I am in a good mood, I will include them in that prayer. Now if I just knew who the patron saint of assholes is …