Baby Blues by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott for August 10, 2003

  1. Screen shot 2022 06 05 at 6.38.52 pm
    No One in Particular  over 2 years ago

    Why is she visiting in the middle of the night?

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    Sherlock5  over 1 year ago

    I don’t know where they’re going, but is it really necessary to take along bikes, helmets, skates, etc.? And 60 diapers? Don’t they know you can buy diapers, wipes, etc. in any of the big box stores throughout the country? How about doing a little laundry instead of overpacking? You can find laundromats just about everywhere.

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  3. Me
    Naldrin  2 months ago

    Bikes, skates AND scooters? For just 7 days? TAke one of those things and, if they get bored of it, they can walk.

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