There was a strip in “Into the Woods” where Shauna was working on her space essay, and we got to witness more of Lottie’s amazing poem.
“Space is a void above our head / a realm of malevolent alien DREAD.”
“If an asteroid hit us we’d lose the battle / and what if a super race reduces us to CATTLE?”
“Perhaps space travel is kind of a chore / but what if a pan-galactic empire drained our PRECIOUS MAGMA CORE?”
Composed and recited off the cuff. Lottie has skills. Weird and eclectic skills.
May 03, 2017
There was a strip in “Into the Woods” where Shauna was working on her space essay, and we got to witness more of Lottie’s amazing poem.
“Space is a void above our head / a realm of malevolent alien DREAD.”
“If an asteroid hit us we’d lose the battle / and what if a super race reduces us to CATTLE?”
“Perhaps space travel is kind of a chore / but what if a pan-galactic empire drained our PRECIOUS MAGMA CORE?”
Composed and recited off the cuff. Lottie has skills. Weird and eclectic skills.