Gracie: They canceled my favorite TV show! Dad: Basic theory of supply and demand, Gracie... Dad: If there's no demand for something, it's not made. Tia Carmen: Lunch is ready! Lengua casserole! Gracie: According to supply and demand... Dad: Eat.
I luv Cow Tongue. From where I came from its very expensive and was considered dish of kings. Its soft, juicy, the texture is chewy and taste great. We make lost of dishes using Cow tongue. Caserrole is one of it. I think its not about the taste, Its about your perception about food. When you think its yucky then it must have taste like filth. Unfortunately its not. And youre missing the great opportunity to enjoy great delicacies. I ate dogs, bats, rabbits. I often eat animal guts either deep fried or mixed with coconut milk soup. Those are the greates food. Unfortunately its also the source of Cholesterol and Uric Acid.