Let’s see – there’s free education (foreign languages, college courses, homework help), check the weather report whenever I want (hurricanes happen down here in Florida), fairly accurate maps to anywhere new (I get lost easily), advice on cleaning stains, repairing almost anything, and making almost anything, free reading material of all sorts, keeping in touch with friends and relatives in vastly different time zones, recipes for pretty much any type of food you might want to try, access to government sites, information on local businesses (hours of operation, pricing, location) – I’m sure I’m forgetting a great deal, but that’s off the top of my head, stuff I use frequently.
Let’s see – there’s free education (foreign languages, college courses, homework help), check the weather report whenever I want (hurricanes happen down here in Florida), fairly accurate maps to anywhere new (I get lost easily), advice on cleaning stains, repairing almost anything, and making almost anything, free reading material of all sorts, keeping in touch with friends and relatives in vastly different time zones, recipes for pretty much any type of food you might want to try, access to government sites, information on local businesses (hours of operation, pricing, location) – I’m sure I’m forgetting a great deal, but that’s off the top of my head, stuff I use frequently.