BTW… I couldn’t get back on GoComics after my first Monday comments…
or at all last night, after catching a quick glimpse of the Tuesday strip.
Nothing but time-outs and error messages, till I got on for a bit on my phone, in the wee hours.
At first it was just the comics… then my email stopped working… gradually the rest of my wifi connection gave out.
Last night there was nothing…. I thought I was doomed.
Tonight started out that way… but now it’s inexplicably back.
Except… every page or refresh takes 3 tries.
two that fail, and the third one works.
My comments just sit there till the page times out.
I have to copy them, apparently, and then re-post them, after long minutes and three tries at a page refresh.
I can only selectively view any replies… some won’t open at all.
Nothing happens when I click “like.”
Maybe they’re posting but I can’t see them…
in which case, each new click may cancel out my effort or replace it, since it’s a toggle.
Just letting you know…
I’m sorry if I couldn’t “like” your comments.
At least I got here!
BTW… I couldn’t get back on GoComics after my first Monday comments…
or at all last night, after catching a quick glimpse of the Tuesday strip.
Nothing but time-outs and error messages, till I got on for a bit on my phone, in the wee hours.
At first it was just the comics… then my email stopped working… gradually the rest of my wifi connection gave out.
Last night there was nothing…. I thought I was doomed.
Tonight started out that way… but now it’s inexplicably back.
Except… every page or refresh takes 3 tries.
two that fail, and the third one works.
My comments just sit there till the page times out.
I have to copy them, apparently, and then re-post them, after long minutes and three tries at a page refresh.
I can only selectively view any replies… some won’t open at all.
Nothing happens when I click “like.”
Maybe they’re posting but I can’t see them…
in which case, each new click may cancel out my effort or replace it, since it’s a toggle.
Just letting you know…
I’m sorry if I couldn’t “like” your comments.
At least I got here!