Collin has dropped Muffin off at Larry’s house for his weekly session. Obviously Muffin has grown tired of Larry’s needy ways, his persecution complex, and his poor personal hygiene. Larry is considering suing for malpractice, (I’m glad I’m not crazy like that) Harriet has gone to her sister’s again, Rusty Boy has run away with Miss Millie; things have taken a sour turn on South Ballard Street. Stay tuned, polka dot attitude adjustment begins at 3:15, its finally Friday.
Collin has dropped Muffin off at Larry’s house for his weekly session. Obviously Muffin has grown tired of Larry’s needy ways, his persecution complex, and his poor personal hygiene. Larry is considering suing for malpractice, (I’m glad I’m not crazy like that) Harriet has gone to her sister’s again, Rusty Boy has run away with Miss Millie; things have taken a sour turn on South Ballard Street. Stay tuned, polka dot attitude adjustment begins at 3:15, its finally Friday.