Monkey! …. I am sooo glad you came back! I was afraid you were taking a page from Essex60’s book…..
Oh, no, Monkey…. not literally! I know you wouldn’t hurt anything that belongs to Essex while his stuff is in storage.Please, let’s straighten out this election business….I have never heard that it’s this coming Tuesday!That can’t be true — we haven’t even had time for a campaign!Just about 2 weeks ago, on June 9th, I saved a post from our Future Sheriff, just for reference.He said then (in part, and bold is mine):"Just got a email from the Ballard County Voter Registrars Office,
and they have assigned a date for the “special election” to fulfill the vacated position of Ballard County Sheriff. (the one in which “yours truly” is interested in fulfilling)And, as luck would have it, they have chosen NOT to wait til the national election day in November… (whew!) But have assigned the third Tuesday in August…. which happens to be a certain Munkey’s Birthday!!! "
In fact I believe several people acknowledged the date …. and I breathed a sigh of relief cos I haven’t had time to work up any campaign songs….though I hope to post the M-O-N-K-E-Y one tomorrow.
I refer you to that day’s forum for verification.I think it was Stel who said we’d have an Election AND Birthday party for the Monkey.
Has everything changed???
BTW Stel the dragonfly costume was beautiful!Bev…. did it fit?I hope so!I can color your hair to match, you know.Meanwhile…. Bev…. sorry, no okra…. I can plant some in the garden out behind the salon if you like.I think X is even developing a color-changing variety….if he lets me grow some of his experimental stuff, I can make some rainbow gumbo! And no tomatoes yet…. I have many plants, at home and on Ballard St….but our season is August.I’m getting some summer tomatoes at the Farmers Market though….grown 200 miles southeast.Will bring you some.Drat — fell asleep again!Gotta get some rest…. I’ll take a later bus….g’night…..
I am NOT the world’s best correspondent…you can get testimonials to that effect from everyone who already has my address….but I think we need a network for checking on each other…so Ballard St denizens…. Beviek, Stel, Monkey, X…. and anyone who wants it…you can write to me at my name here, at gmail….please drop me a note so I have your address too.
I don’t promise a lot of e-mail, but I also don’t want to be putting up balloons for even MORE missing people!
If I start to get spam I’ll come back and delete this…
The Carlisles are more than wary, they are busybodies to no end! If you want to know what’s going on around here, just check with them. They have the latest gossip, and whatever details they don’t have….don’t worry. They’ll fill in the blanks! Nice to your face, oh yes, they are….but! don’t turn your back! no one is safe from their prying eyes and long noses.I wonder how they’ll continue their snooping once Sophie goes in for her double hip replacement…..?
“When is the first free concert due? I better start working on my set.”++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I’m thinking it could be as early as next wk. We’ve had some scheduling glitches recently, which should be all ironed out by the end of today, so I will get back to you with actual dates. Do not listed to the Carlisles. They may sound well-informed, but trust me, they are not .
Mrs Bev…?Yew don’t think the Carlyles are up ta no gud do ya..? Ah mean, I kno there frens with that nozeebody Mz Abernathy an shez the sucker tary uv the Bs Wimens awgzilary an they lak gitten there nozez stuk in otherz bidnes wen thay don’t b long… Ah don’t trustem mutch….
Collin’s great, great, great, great, grandfather’s cousin had been the Sergeant at Arms during the time when Washington, AR had been the Confederate Capital of Arkansas. And so began a great tradition of vigilance. After 47 years of blissful marriage, Shirley has heightened her awareness, raised the standard of alertness and found herself to be Collin’s faithful partner. Rusty Boy is on patrol and all is well for the time being.
Ok, I’m not too happy about rhyming “S” with “best” and “rest”…. but there just aren’t a lot of rhymes for “ess” …especially when you’re trying to avoid “confess” and “mess” …Those are perhaps not the most appropriate words to bring to anybody’s mind when we sing about our good friend and future Sheriff MonkeyBlues…
When I left the youngest of our fledgling hawks tonight, she had planted herself for over an hour at dusk atop a window AC unit where she could stare at her own reflection. She HAS been a little prima donna from the beginning ;-D
Linguist over 12 years ago
They want to know whose moving into the Conch House.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Hi all….
So much to say, but I can’t stay awake….
Monkey! …. I am sooo glad you came back! I was afraid you were taking a page from Essex60’s book…..
Oh, no, Monkey…. not literally! I know you wouldn’t hurt anything that belongs to Essex while his stuff is in storage.Please, let’s straighten out this election business….I have never heard that it’s this coming Tuesday!That can’t be true — we haven’t even had time for a campaign!Just about 2 weeks ago, on June 9th, I saved a post from our Future Sheriff, just for reference.He said then (in part, and bold is mine):"Just got a email from the Ballard County Voter Registrars Office,
and they have assigned a date for the “special election” to fulfill the vacated position of Ballard County Sheriff. (the one in which “yours truly” is interested in fulfilling)And, as luck would have it, they have chosen NOT to wait til the national election day in November… (whew!) But have assigned the third Tuesday in August…. which happens to be a certain Munkey’s Birthday!!! "
In fact I believe several people acknowledged the date …. and I breathed a sigh of relief cos I haven’t had time to work up any campaign songs….though I hope to post the M-O-N-K-E-Y one tomorrow.
I refer you to that day’s forum for verification.I think it was Stel who said we’d have an Election AND Birthday party for the Monkey.
Has everything changed???
BTW Stel the dragonfly costume was beautiful! Bev…. did it fit?I hope so!I can color your hair to match, you know.Meanwhile…. Bev…. sorry, no okra…. I can plant some in the garden out behind the salon if you like.I think X is even developing a color-changing variety….if he lets me grow some of his experimental stuff, I can make some rainbow gumbo! And no tomatoes yet…. I have many plants, at home and on Ballard St….but our season is August.I’m getting some summer tomatoes at the Farmers Market though….grown 200 miles southeast.Will bring you some.Drat — fell asleep again!Gotta get some rest…. I’ll take a later bus….g’night…..
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Listen…. this disappearing business bothers me….
I am NOT the world’s best correspondent…you can get testimonials to that effect from everyone who already has my address….but I think we need a network for checking on each other…so Ballard St denizens…. Beviek, Stel, Monkey, X…. and anyone who wants it…you can write to me at my name here, at gmail….please drop me a note so I have your address too.
I don’t promise a lot of e-mail, but I also don’t want to be putting up balloons for even MORE missing people!
If I start to get spam I’ll come back and delete this…
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
I meant to say, of course, drop me a message if you want to… I’m not going to be insulted if you’d rather maintain your privacy.
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
Zzzzzzz…… (snik*) zzzzzz…….Pffftttttt….. Zzzzzzzzzzz………Zzz (smile)…….
StelBel over 12 years ago
Good morning, IMudd!!
Are you still holed up in your cellar, keepin’ cool? I’m still in the “cave”. LOL
StelBel over 12 years ago
The Carlisles are more than wary, they are busybodies to no end! If you want to know what’s going on around here, just check with them. They have the latest gossip, and whatever details they don’t have….don’t worry. They’ll fill in the blanks! Nice to your face, oh yes, they are….but! don’t turn your back! no one is safe from their prying eyes and long noses.I wonder how they’ll continue their snooping once Sophie goes in for her double hip replacement…..?
StelBel over 12 years ago
beyond wary, sir!……beyond wary! They are the definition of “crazed”.
StelBel over 12 years ago
“When is the first free concert due? I better start working on my set.”++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I’m thinking it could be as early as next wk. We’ve had some scheduling glitches recently, which should be all ironed out by the end of today, so I will get back to you with actual dates. Do not listed to the Carlisles. They may sound well-informed, but trust me, they are not .
Larry Miller Premium Member over 12 years ago
The Carlisles are just worried they’ll run into their nemeses the Trucklisles or the Buslisles.
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
Mrs Bev…?Yew don’t think the Carlyles are up ta no gud do ya..? Ah mean, I kno there frens with that nozeebody Mz Abernathy an shez the sucker tary uv the Bs Wimens awgzilary an they lak gitten there nozez stuk in otherz bidnes wen thay don’t b long… Ah don’t trustem mutch….
GoodQuestion Premium Member over 12 years ago
Can’t blame the Carlisles for being wary, looks like someone is growing pot there behind the fence . . . ☻
Lefty2 over 12 years ago
Collin’s great, great, great, great, grandfather’s cousin had been the Sergeant at Arms during the time when Washington, AR had been the Confederate Capital of Arkansas. And so began a great tradition of vigilance. After 47 years of blissful marriage, Shirley has heightened her awareness, raised the standard of alertness and found herself to be Collin’s faithful partner. Rusty Boy is on patrol and all is well for the time being.
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
Munkeys Gettin a treat at the Nouveau Day Spa… Hour an a haff missage…!!!! Yum!!!
boldyuma over 12 years ago
“Slooowwwlyy he turned..step by step..inch by inch.”
And then a poodle bit his ankle..News at 11:00..
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Ok, I’m not too happy about rhyming “S” with “best” and “rest”…. but there just aren’t a lot of rhymes for “ess” …especially when you’re trying to avoid “confess” and “mess” …Those are perhaps not the most appropriate words to bring to anybody’s mind when we sing about our good friend and future Sheriff MonkeyBlues…
But how does this look:
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
The Monkey is the candidateWho’s far above the rest…
M- O-N…K- E-YB-L-U-E -S!
For Ballard County Sheriffhe will be the very best!
M- O-N…K- E-YB-L-U-E -S!
Monkey BluesMonkey Blues…Forever let us wave bananas high!High, high, high, high!
Let cowbwlls ring as we all sing..We won’t take any less…."M- O-N…K- E-YB-L-U-E S!
So on this note, let’s go and votefor Ballard County’s best!
M- O-N…K- E-Y…B-L-U-E -S!
vldazzle over 12 years ago
Too funny!
vldazzle over 12 years ago
When I left the youngest of our fledgling hawks tonight, she had planted herself for over an hour at dusk atop a window AC unit where she could stare at her own reflection. She HAS been a little prima donna from the beginning ;-D
tegm over 12 years ago
rofl her facial expression is priceless XD
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 2 years ago
Good morning Balladeers, (((((Plods))))) and Miss Susan!
Plods with ...™ over 2 years ago
Checkin for po-po before tagging the corner?
Getting down with the punnies today. @
Good morning Bat Basset fans! Bizzy bizzy bizzy around here.
Y’all have an onion ring, an eclair and suck face with the HVAC tech of your choice. (((((HuGz!)))))