dayum….ah thot we cud go awl weak witout hvin ta ishyoo anutter psytayshun ta kYle….vilayshun ov BSMC 2138.3 section IX, pargraff….“only GREEN cars on tHurstdays kYLe!!!!!”lucky fer him its only his sekund vile ayshun…fine of $13.48…. an 6.5 hours pubic survis at sTEls WWOI, applyin glitter to her new shipmint of cowbells…(did sumwun say “cowbells”…????)
dayum….ah thot we cud go awl weak witout hvin ta ishyoo anutter psytayshun ta kYle….vilayshun ov BSMC 2138.3 section IX, pargraff….“only GREEN cars on tHurstdays kYLe!!!!!”lucky fer him its only his sekund vile ayshun…fine of $13.48…. an 6.5 hours pubic survis at sTEls WWOI, applyin glitter to her new shipmint of cowbells…(did sumwun say “cowbells”…????)