Ah ReckonIZe thet Tramp-erleen… yoosta BLong ta Mz HiGGlePooter, fur teh Purpuss of MIXin “MzHigg’s Nanner-Teenies” (shakin, NOT Sturd)… Ah had ta TeLLer ta STOP, As she wuz gittin TOO mutch AltyTUDe abuv teh FEnse… an wUZ Cauzin Distrakshun to teh TraFFik at teh BaLLerd and ParSNip inner-Sexun… Wreks, awL ovur teh PLACE… ahm tellin ya…!! 0.o
Ah ReckonIZe thet Tramp-erleen… yoosta BLong ta Mz HiGGlePooter, fur teh Purpuss of MIXin “MzHigg’s Nanner-Teenies” (shakin, NOT Sturd)… Ah had ta TeLLer ta STOP, As she wuz gittin TOO mutch AltyTUDe abuv teh FEnse… an wUZ Cauzin Distrakshun to teh TraFFik at teh BaLLerd and ParSNip inner-Sexun… Wreks, awL ovur teh PLACE… ahm tellin ya…!! 0.o