I was flying a small plane westbound one day when I saw a northbound flock of ducks at ten o’clock at my altitude. My airspeed (the speed at which I was actually flying through the air) was 115 miles per hour. Two ducks broke away from the flock and were flying westbound faster than I was for about ten seconds before I pulled up and lost sight of them. One duck power can outfly 150 horsepower.
I was flying a small plane westbound one day when I saw a northbound flock of ducks at ten o’clock at my altitude. My airspeed (the speed at which I was actually flying through the air) was 115 miles per hour. Two ducks broke away from the flock and were flying westbound faster than I was for about ten seconds before I pulled up and lost sight of them. One duck power can outfly 150 horsepower.