I immediately thought of the fact that we give them room and board, TV’s, exercise machines, a law library, etc. for free. (I’m was talking about prisons, but realized it applies to politicians as well)
Add the option to reject any and all candidates. If q majority of all registered voters vote to reject, revote. Any vote not cast would be the same as a vote in favor of all the people running.
bluegirl285 over 7 years ago
Sad…sad…and oh so true…
Randallw over 7 years ago
Must be why it’s called the capital ( ahh, close enough)
||| over 7 years ago
Not very literate or they must have different spelling across the water.
William Taylor over 7 years ago
Wayyyyyyyyyy too close to reality to be funny………..
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 7 years ago
Because it takes so long to train new ones to adhere to the old order.
Dani Rice over 7 years ago
People keep saying we need term-limits. We have term-limits; it’s called voting-for-the-other-guy.
andru.hunter252 over 7 years ago
very funny with stuff like this it will be back to the old BC
clayusmcret Premium Member over 7 years ago
We need term limits.
mourdac Premium Member over 7 years ago
Electing, providing the best health care in the world (amazing how that works), giving big pensions, etc.
dutchs over 7 years ago
I strongly favor capital punishment. I think everyone in the capital needs to be punished.
eapmorales over 7 years ago
Germanshepherds4ever over 7 years ago
Finally a funny one. I can guarantee we WON’T be re-electing the current one!!!!
Great Wizard Nala over 7 years ago
I immediately thought of the fact that we give them room and board, TV’s, exercise machines, a law library, etc. for free. (I’m was talking about prisons, but realized it applies to politicians as well)
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member over 7 years ago
Peter’s correspondent must be Italian
PappyFiddle over 7 years ago
Holy Moley! All these years of seeing tablets come across the ocean with answers… from US! WE are the folks on the other side!
brklnbern over 7 years ago
Sure did with that last White House bozo.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 7 years ago
Add the option to reject any and all candidates. If q majority of all registered voters vote to reject, revote. Any vote not cast would be the same as a vote in favor of all the people running.
DoubleU over 2 years ago
I’ve always wondered: How do those tablets float on the water? (Okay, I’ve just now wondered.)