Okay guys im gonna post a choose your own adventure (sorry I if I spell anything wrong I just woke up and im in the dark) Okay so, you are new in town and you are a 6th grader. You want to make some friends in school. When you enter P.S. 38 you see 4 groups right away, group 1 has a girl with glasses and who is bragging about her score on a test. Group 2 has a lot of babes and cool looking guys, group number 3 has a latino kid, a kid with glasses, and a kid with weird spiky hair. Group 4 has a lot of athletic looking kids in them. Which one will you approach.
a) Group number 1
b) Group number 2
c) Group number 3
d) Group number 4
Whichever 1 has the most votes will be chossen and I will continue tommorow. 1 more vote sorry is the character a boy or a girl?
a) Boy
b) Girl
Okay tthanks remember to put your vote in the comments
Okay guys im gonna post a choose your own adventure (sorry I if I spell anything wrong I just woke up and im in the dark) Okay so, you are new in town and you are a 6th grader. You want to make some friends in school. When you enter P.S. 38 you see 4 groups right away, group 1 has a girl with glasses and who is bragging about her score on a test. Group 2 has a lot of babes and cool looking guys, group number 3 has a latino kid, a kid with glasses, and a kid with weird spiky hair. Group 4 has a lot of athletic looking kids in them. Which one will you approach.
a) Group number 1
b) Group number 2
c) Group number 3
d) Group number 4
Whichever 1 has the most votes will be chossen and I will continue tommorow. 1 more vote sorry is the character a boy or a girl?
a) Boy
b) Girl
Okay tthanks remember to put your vote in the comments