Before I retired, my two beagles were fed at 6p because that was the earliest I could do it. After I retired, the older beagle insisted on eating a little early. It was usually 15 minutes early. Eventually, I realized I was feeding them at 3:15p, and put my foot down. We went back to 6p and not a minute earlier. As they got older yet, I fed them at 5p. The older one would come to me early, and I would tell her that when the big hand was on 12 and the little hand was on 5, she should come back to me. She always did, right on the dot. With now my third (and now only) beagle, I also make her wait until the minute. She still often is standing quietly looking at me any time after 440p, but she waits.
Before I retired, my two beagles were fed at 6p because that was the earliest I could do it. After I retired, the older beagle insisted on eating a little early. It was usually 15 minutes early. Eventually, I realized I was feeding them at 3:15p, and put my foot down. We went back to 6p and not a minute earlier. As they got older yet, I fed them at 5p. The older one would come to me early, and I would tell her that when the big hand was on 12 and the little hand was on 5, she should come back to me. She always did, right on the dot. With now my third (and now only) beagle, I also make her wait until the minute. She still often is standing quietly looking at me any time after 440p, but she waits.