Back in the good ol’e days the threat of a nuclear holocaust was enough to hold everyone in check. Now days, the militants can’t wait until they develop enough nukes to scorch the whole world, starting with Israel and the United States. God promised He’d never wipe us out with a flood again and He’s keeping his promise; He’s doing it with fire. Repent, all you Binkleys, for the Kingdom is at hand.
Turns out that my house dates from the 1960’s and actually has a reinforced concrete bomb shelter under the garage. Lead-lined steel vault door. Even has a well with a hand pump, and a place to hook up a generator (and a vent flue for the exhaust). The 30-something realtor called it a “tornado shelter”. I did NOT enlighten her ignorance, and I’ll probably have to do penance for that someday.
Sisyphos over 15 years ago
Such a hussy, that Norma the Nuke!
ejcapulet over 15 years ago
I think this particular storyline has hit a 7.5 on my weird-o-meter. And I’m a Pibgorn and FA fan - so that’s saying something.
Yukoneric over 15 years ago
Yes, she’s a lovely bombshell. If only the North Korean leaders would read this. The threat is all anyone needs, not the actual bomb!
wndrwrthg over 15 years ago
“You can’t hug your kids with nuclear arms”.
dwyant over 15 years ago
Russia is dreaming up a new and more powerful nuke to kill somebody - who, I wonder?
Sherlock Watson over 15 years ago
Speaking as someone who fully remembers Retarded Ronnie and the nuclear fears of the ’80s, I can easily live without ‘em.
risitas over 15 years ago
BTW - We ARE threat’nin’ NORTH KOREA now, for its’ Defiant Nuclear Development Stance - it’s a PRESCIENT strip today.
jrbj over 15 years ago
Back in the good ol’e days the threat of a nuclear holocaust was enough to hold everyone in check. Now days, the militants can’t wait until they develop enough nukes to scorch the whole world, starting with Israel and the United States. God promised He’d never wipe us out with a flood again and He’s keeping his promise; He’s doing it with fire. Repent, all you Binkleys, for the Kingdom is at hand.
ChiehHsia over 15 years ago
Turns out that my house dates from the 1960’s and actually has a reinforced concrete bomb shelter under the garage. Lead-lined steel vault door. Even has a well with a hand pump, and a place to hook up a generator (and a vent flue for the exhaust). The 30-something realtor called it a “tornado shelter”. I did NOT enlighten her ignorance, and I’ll probably have to do penance for that someday.
pbarnrob over 15 years ago
Mae West lives! Such a righteous hussy…