Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for November 29, 2024

  1. Grandbudapesthotel cr alamy
    Imagine  27 days ago

    Well, that hasn’t worked out, has it.

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    GeorgeJohnson  27 days ago

    But they don’t say everybody SHOULD own a gun.

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    Tom  27 days ago

    Certainly, woke liberals should not be armed.

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    Bruce1253  27 days ago

    After 3 assassination attempts on Trump, Putin, the one person Trump listens to has told him he is not safe, due to the number of guns in the country (300+ million) and the general craziness of his followers. I have warned you about this, Trump is going to take your guns. This is what you voted for so I hope all of you gun nuts are happy.

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  5. Bits2
    Diat60  27 days ago

    Poor Bill – will he survive?

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    baskate_2000  27 days ago

    That won’t happen, because too many people are stupid about gun ownership, just because it’s in the bill of rights they don’t engage their brains!

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    OAP Premium Member 27 days ago

    As a friend of mine use to say “I’m the most conservative Liberal you will ever meet.” Too bad we don’t have a conservative party anymore.

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  8. Hot beverage 2615
    More Coffee Please! Premium Member 27 days ago

    Imagine the fun Opus could have if his gun was a semi-automatic with a bump stock… But seriously, if guns actually made us safer, we’d be the safest country on the planet. As it is, our second amendment makes us less safe than most other nations. And funnily enough, although there are exceptions, those nations also have “freedom”, “democracy” – and a level of “security” that America (certainly America’s children) will never know.

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  9. Photo
    StarryGordon  27 days ago

    If some people can have guns, then everyone can have guns, including liberals, radicals, anarchists, monarchists, and my uncle’s monkey. It would solve a lot of problems, eventually.

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    mjkaswan Premium Member 27 days ago

    By pushing for permitless carry, the NRA shows that it’s pretty much dropped the concern about “feeling safe” and really just want everyone to be able to own a gun. That serves the interests of their primary backers, the gun industry. But it’s easy to see that guns make people less safe, not more: in states with lax gun laws and high rates of gun ownership, more crimes are committed using guns and there are more gun deaths and gun-related injuries.

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  11. Odin
    Holden Awn  27 days ago

    If you choose to buy a gun, as is still your right, than choose as well to be responsible and get training in the safe handling, storage, and use of a gun. The NRA, a civil rights organization (yes, the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the Constitution, are ‘civil rights’), is a leader in offering such training.

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  12. Img 1521
    FRITH RA  27 days ago

    I actually feel safer without a gun. I don’t risk as of a chance of becoming an intended target, and yes, I have been places where seemingly random shooting was happening. Those who started shooting back generally got shot.

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  13. Avatarpic l  1
    mfrasca  27 days ago

    In the US, guns are now the leading cause of death in kids aged 1 to 19.

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  14. Tryme
    Andrew Rhodes Premium Member 27 days ago

    Common sense and defining Mentally Stable seem to be the problem.

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  15. Giant tuba
    musicnut1986  26 days ago

    What does “woke” mean? I’ve asked several of my right-leaning Republican friends and none of them could explain what it means.

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  16. P1030260
    einarbt  26 days ago

    Some of you might like to watch Jim Jefferies — Gun Control (Part 1) from BARE just search on youtube for “Jim Jefferies Gun Control”.

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  17. Nick danger small
    Nick Danger  24 days ago

    A Nine-shot (at least) revolver – that’s unusual.

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